I like 'Rocky Horror.'

I have watched 'Rocky' many times.

'Rocky' and 'Rocky III' were the best.

My favorite movie of all time is 'Rocky.'

I like A$AP Rocky and his stuff - Kendrick too.

Like many start-up stories, mine has been rocky.

Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountains.

I want to finish my career in Seattle but it's rocky.

There'll never be a 'Rocky IV.' You gotta call a halt.

I grew up in the neighborhood where 'Rocky' came from.

'Rocky' I tend to watch through to the end every time.

I loved 'Rocky' and 'Rambo', and am very proud of them.

Love A$AP Rocky. I love his music, and I love his style.

I like A$AP Rocky, because I think he's really brilliant.

Going jogging makes me feel powerful and free - like Rocky!

'The Rocky Horror Show' was actually my first musical love.

I'm obsessed with 'Rocky.' We went 13 times to the theater.

Most times, I'm playing myself in films, like 'Rocky' or 'Creed.'

Rocky Marciano had such guts and heart. He was something special.

I worked with Rocky Graziano and Rocky was certainly a character.

I had a very rocky, difficult, emotional childhood with my parents.

In school, nobody could pronounce my name. They just called me Rocky.

I grew up watching 'Rocky.' I still love that movie, the original one.

Being compared to 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' is a huge compliment.

And of course coming from Massachusetts, Rocky Marciano was my favorite.

More money has been lost trying to imitate 'Rocky' than 'Rocky' has made.

I've been cushioned against having to work, with Rocky's continual bounty.

Obviously, the 'Rocky' theme is one of the most recognizable themes in film.

There's a lot of audience participation in 'Rock of Ages' and 'Rocky Horror.'

If I hadn't been a fighter, I probably wouldn't have gotten the 'Rocky' roles.

I've been a fan of 'Rocky Horror'... my mom let me see it at a really early age.

To tell you the truth, I was turning into a little spoiled brat after 'Rocky V.'

'Rocky' represents the optimistic side of life, and 'Rambo' represents purgatory.

When I make a commitment to someone, it is for the smooth road and the rocky road.

I had a sort of rocky upbringing, and I think the theater was a safe place for me.

I watched Sly Stallone and the 'Rocky' movies over and over again. They were fantastic.

I am a fan of the 'Rocky' films, and 'Rocky 4' is my favourite. I also like 'The Warriors.'

I'm a big fan of rocky girls. I love Hayley Williams and the lead singer from Tonight Alive.

In 'Rocky' and 'Paradise Alley,' my dad played very expressive characters, and he was out there.

All the big fights in the past they would say 'Rocky won't do this or that' and I pulled it off.

That's what Rocky is all about: pride, reputation, and not being another bum in the neighborhood.

I watched 'Rocky' and 'Raging Bull' and 'Taxi Driver' over and over again. They spoke to you, man.

It wasn't until I saw 'Rocky' that I realized movies could affect people beyond mere entertainment.

I feel like I have something to prove. I'm just not this cool fashion kid that be around ASAP Rocky.

I know about two things: 'Rocky III' and Clubber Lang, and 'A-Team' and B.A. Baracus. That's who I am!

I really think that Steven Caple, Jr. is going to be a great addition to the 'Rocky' director pantheon.

I felt quite an affinity with 'Rocky' in my career. It's been like 'fight the business' all the way up.

I have a feeling when I'm 80 years old I'm going to get a phone call: There's going to be another Rocky.

I've been married to Kris for 21 years, and there have always been rocky times. And it's nothing special.

When I got cast in 'Rocky IV,' I had never seen a film camera before. And here I was in this boxing movie.

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