I have multiple tattoos.

People have multiple identities.

My mother had multiple sclerosis.

I think I can win multiple times a year.

I can loop my tongue into multiple rolls.

Multiple cat households are a good thing.

Multiple descriptions are better than one.

Do you have a multiple personality disorder?

I've been dropped on my head multiple times.

I'm good enough to win multiple world titles.

I like to change outfits multiple times a day.

I'm always working on multiple songs at a time.

There are multiple things entering in your mind.

For multiple opponents, I have multiple brothers.

I've had enough rejection for multiple lifetimes.

I think Madonna might have a multiple personality.

There's no one New York. There's multiple New Yorks.

When a president speaks, it's to multiple audiences.

A multiple personality is in a certain sense normal.

I'm open to trying multiple different types of styles.

I have a very poor record at multiple choice questions.

A great idea solves multiple problems at the same time.

By the time I was 23 years old, I had multiple arrests.

My artist career failed pretty miserably multiple times.

For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.

Multiple Bentleys isn't making anyone 'financially set.'

I think multiple levels of undo would be wonderful, too.

It's an odd beast, fame. It's got multiple personalities.

I think it's exciting to have a role with multiple layers.

I know in my heart that I can compete at multiple weights.

To read quotations is to live in a planet with multiple suns!

I fought to make a multiple series commitment with John Wells.

Did you know that the White House drug test is multiple choice?

Nothing prepares a family for having multiple children at once.

You can't run a team with one leader. You need multiple leaders.

When you do multiple things you love, it doesn't feel like work.

About six years ago my family was affected by multiple sclerosis.

In any relationship, there's multiple moving pieces. Not just one.

I love playing multiple sports. I grew up playing multiple sports.

When multiple explanations exist, the simplest is usually correct.

Any time you're in a maze there's multiple ways to get to the end.

I'm one of those writers that have always worked on multiple things.

I've always been interested in projects that work at multiple levels.

I have been trolled multiple times, and it doesn't affect me anymore.

Multiple characters make it more difficult to showcase each character.

I'm a huge believer in learning anything from multiple points of view.

I'm a serial dater. When I see someone I like, we go on multiple dates.

Hospitality is about trying to support multiple functions in one space.

It is easy to live multiple lives! What is hard is to be a whole person

If it took multiple debt ceiling hikes, I'd rather achieve the savings.

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