All writers are vampires.

Sleep: a poor substitute for caffeine!

From candlelight to early bedtime, I read.

There were five writers on Blazing Saddles.

Writers never get a very good deal in Hollywood.

I think writers are prone to hyperbole sometimes.

Damn it, how will I ever get out of this labyrinth?

Some writers take to drink, others take to audiences.

Many childrens writers dont have children of their own

Three meals plus bedtime make four sure blessings a day.

Writers really live in the mind and in hotels of the soul.

Any kid will run any errand for you, if you ask at bedtime.

Few writers are willing to admit writing is autobiographical.

I suppose a fire that burns that bright is not meant to last.

Movies have influenced all writers, not just thriller writers.

Writers are good at plucking out what they need here and there.

That is my major concern: writers who are in prison for writing.

My sensibility steers me toward writers who are out on their own.

We are but older children, dear, Who fret to find our bedtime near.

A lot of our writers, like Conan O'Brien, moved on to other things.

I think writers rush in where everybody is very frightened to tread

To business that we love we rise bedtime, and go to't with delight.

Most of the books I read these days are children's books at bedtime.

I think writers, by nature, are more observers instead of participators.

American writers ought to stand and live in the margins, and be more dangerous.

Love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime.

My dad did every single accent under the sun, and he would read bedtime stories.

Our principal writers have nearly all been fortunate in escaping regular education.

Writers say many true things about their own experiences with publicity and promotion.

Like, really like you. And i want that kiss to have been the start of something. Not the end.

I was told bedtime stories by my father or my grandmother. Books, I mostly read on my own in bed.

Writers in repressive societies are considered dangerous. That's why so many of them are in jail.

Unfortunately, I suffer from insomnia, so my bedtime is as soon as I start to feel the least bit sleepy.

Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic far beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!

When I was a kid, my father would read Neil Simon plays with me, when I was going to bed, as bedtime stories.

Today, in this, the 21st century, bedtime doesn't matter at all. All that matters is what you set for your DVR.

Suggested remedy for the common cold: A good gulp of whiskey at bedtime-it's not very scientific, but it helps.

New York was where we wanted to live when we were finally grown up, and drink martinis and stay out past bedtime.

There were the fairy tales my father told to me at bedtime. All the standards. I thought my father invented wolves.

It is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting.

And then, if you make it to bedtime, you feel the joy of cheating death out of one more day," she said. "Do you see?

Contrary to what many writers imply about the process, nobody forces a writer to sell his work to the film industry.

I'm nearsighted, in part, because I would read past my bedtime in the dark. I didn't want my mom to see that I was still awake.

The theory that if wages go up, employment goes down isn't a physical law like F=MA. It's a moral law, like 'Bedtime is 9:00 P.M.'

I know many writers who first dictate passages, then polish what they have dictated. I speak, then I polish - occasionally I do windows.

I started writing really early on, and my brother Jordan was my first audience. I would come up with scary stories to tell him at bedtime.

When I was a junior camp counselor and it was my job to tell the campers a bedtime story or devotional, I would tell them a rapture story.

We read to our kids at bedtime because we want to have literacy, but what are we doing to make sure kids are equally fascinated by science?

I just used to make up stories for the kids at bedtime and my wife goes, 'you should start putting that stuff down.' It's such a joy to do.

The legend of a cable company trying to break the Internet makes scary bedtime stories for children of telecom geeks, but it is not reality.

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