Ideally, since 80 percent of your life is spent working, you should start your business around something that is a passion of yours

I also know, as an entrepreneur myself, you face new obstacles every day and you need to have the perseverance to see them through.

I have always looked on my businesses not just as money-making machines, but as adventures that can, I hope, make people better off.

Confidence breeds confidence and negativity breeds negativity. Treat those around you with respect and dignity and they will thrive.

The funny thing is people won't let me pay for things. I'll be in a restaurant and the manager will say, 'Oh no, it's on the house.'

I think it's important we continue to find new ways for start-up businesses to get access to funding, mentorship and business advice.

Education doesn't just take place in stuffy classrooms and university buildings, it can happen everywhere, every day to every person.

It took me years to work out the difference between net and gross. In meetings I just used to say, 'Tell me if it's good or bad news.

There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.

You should not build your customer service system on the premise that your organisation will never question the whims of your clients.

It's so graceful to be blown by the wind, to go where the wind takes you. Just drifting over beautiful rivers in a balloon is perfect.

If you're looking to become an entrepreneur then don't waste your time going to university or business school - just get on and do it.

I believe in goals. It's never a bad thing to have a dream. If something is really what you want to do, just do it. Whatever your goal.

Just watching Israel bombarding Palestine and Palestine sending one or two little rockets over to Israel - it's just too sad for words.

Good brands reflect the histories of the time and the group of people that made them. They can not be copied. They can not be recycled.

It isn't effective or productive to force your employees to do anything. Choice empowers people and makes for a more content workforce.

As a leader of people, you have to be a great listener, a great motivator, be very good at praising and bringing out the best in people.

Dreaming is one of humanity’s greatest gifts; it champions aspiration, spurs innovation, leads to change, and propels the world forward.

I think entrepreneurship is our natural state--a big adult word that probably boils down to something much more obvious like playfulness.

Failing can provide invaluable lessons and making mistakes and experiencing setbacks is part of the DNA of every successful entrepreneur.

I always tell other people to protect against the downside, and not risk roughing on new ventures, but I never stuck to that rule myself.

We always enter markets where the leaders are not doing a great job, so we can go in and disrupt them by offering better quality services.

I have always believed that personal relationships are vital in business and that people should be directly accountable for their actions.

A generation ago, the image was that you had to trample everyone else down to succeed; but I don't believe that makes good business sense.

What matters is working with a few close friends, people you respect, knowing that if times did turn bad these people would hold together.

We need every person on Earth to acknowledge that climate change is real and encourage each other and our leaders to address the challenge.

When you're first thinking through an idea, it's important not to get bogged down in complexity. Thinking simply and clearly is hard to do.

We don't actually plan to launch new businesses over the next few years, but we are planning to take the ones we have into new territories.

About 40 percent of my time is spent on social issues and building new organizations, more for the benefit of the climate or health issues.

Have fun, work hard and money will come. Don't waste time - grab your chances. Have a positive outlook on life. When it's not fun, move on.

If people are jumping down people's throats all the time, in the end, they'll just shrivel up like a flower shrivels up that's not watered.

Your employees are your company’s real competitive advantage. They’re the ones making the magic happen-so long as their needs are being met.

My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you're moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again.

Be creative. Innovate consistently on the little things that the big companies ignore. Little things often make big differences in business.

I love stirring the pot. I love giving big companies a run for their money - especially if they're offering expensive, poor-quality products.

Although my spelling is still sometimes poor, I have managed to overcome the worst of my difficulties through training myself to concentrate.

There's no better satisfaction than watching the people around you, who have worked day and night to get something right, realising the dream.

Business leaders take things far too seriously, and forget that most of the time people spend in their lives is at work, and it should be fun.

A good idea for a new business tends not to occur in isolation, and often the window of opportunity is very small. So speed is of the essence.

My general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of, 'Oh God, I've got to do this today.'

Whether we're fighting climate change or going to space, everything is moved forward by computers, and we don't have enough people who can code

Your brand or your name is simply your reputation, you have to fight in life to protect that as it means everything. Nothing is more important.

I myself have invested in Uber and Hailo, I think they offer great alternatives to disrupt markets that have remained unchanged for many years.

By putting the employee first, the customer effectively comes first by default, and in the end, the shareholder comes first by default as well.

Having a good network can be invaluable. It opens doors for you and allows you to enter into opportunities that are beneficial to your business.

Leading by fear is a lot of companies' approach, and a horrible way for people to exist in their lives, when most of your life is spent at work.

To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.

If young people do see me as an example (I'm very flattered if they do!) I hope it is as someone who will go out there and live life to the full.

To be a real entrepreneur you always have to be looking forward. The moment you rest on your laurels is the moment your competition overtakes you.

Growth does not always lead a business to build on success. All too often it converts a highly successful business into a mediocre large business.

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