Uber is a phenomenal company.

Being Uber means being efficient.

I've had failures myself before Uber.

Uber exists because of mobile telephones.

I want to hear LeBron James's Uber stories.

Uber has to design for the global platform.

Working at Uber, I see opportunity and potential.

I want my clothes to be alluring but not uber sexy.

Like many consumers, I love Uber. But not everyone does.

Create content that satisfies your uber goals and desires.

In many ways, we look at Uber as the safety net for a city.

I wish I had invested in the series A of Snapchat and Uber.

I invested in Uber in 2011 when it was only in San Francisco.

Google is intending to compete with Uber in the ridesharing space.

Uber is a global business. We don't think just in terms of the U.S.

So I feel comfortable that Uber is a very safe mode of transportation.

Uber riders are the most affluent, influential people in their cities.

I very rarely shop. The only money I spend is on, like, Uber and food.

There's nobody who has as big of a real-time logistics network than Uber.

When I first got pitched on Uber, I thought it was the dumbest idea ever.

I don't need a driver's license, my Uber driver needs a driver's license.

We want to get to the point that using Uber is cheaper than owning a car.

Music inspires some feeling in you. That's the same way I think about Uber.

Uber is a good car service, and that's exactly what they were when we launched.

GV remains an enthusiastic investor, and Google will continue to partner with Uber.

Our whole goal is to drive the cost of taking an Uber BELOW the cost of owning a car.

There are 100's of thousands of Uber partners, and we are creating 50,000 jobs per month.

What we like to say is that the vision for Uber is the cross between lifestyle and logistics.

I play the guitar and the piano and have a group of guys who I play with. They're uber talented.

If somebody can offer value at a cheaper price, they should. But that also means Uber should, too.

Even now, when people ask me, 'Why did you take the job at Uber?' I say because my gut told me to.

Joe Mantello is the uber director. I wrote him a card tonight saying basically, 'Will you adopt me?'

As a global disrupter, Uber is no stranger to conflict, and its instinct has always been pugilistic.

If our employees are wearing the Uber sweatshirt to the grocery store, that would make me feel great.

Every Uber employee should be proud of the culture we have and what we will build together over time.

There's hundreds of millions of people that are card members at AmEx - all of them should be using Uber.

Uber's issue, I think the biggest one is driverless cars. That could be a complete reset to the business.

I think a lot of folks feel like Uber was a company they missed out on. Sequoia passed on us three times.

You know, my Uber driver rating is 10,000. People tell me it's the best rating. It's fantastic, believe me.

Safety is number one at Uber... so we make sure the system is in place so riders get the safest ride possible.

Travis Kalanick was and is the perfect person to lead Uber, a product I knew from day one was going to be big.

Uber has a lot of money, and they've hired a lot of good people, and they have the capacity to professionalize.

I'm the weirdo that tells - asks - the Uber driver to please turn the radio down. I'm so polite about it, though.

Not every time you open Messenger do you want an Uber, but when you do want an Uber, it appears. That is the goal.

Immigration and openness to refugees is an important part of our country's success and, quite honestly, to Uber's.

The folks who rock Uber value their time; they appreciate nice things with a taste of luxury and loathe inefficiency.

If the slogan for Google is 'Don't be evil', then the slogan for Uber is 'Do a little bit of evil & don't get caught.'

As the finish line for 2017 begins to come into focus, I'm beginning to wonder what an Uber turnaround would look like.

The age of access being offered by taxi-hailing apps like Uber and Ola is the biggest potential threat to auto industry.

I'd like to believe that my face is very versatile and I can play the uber cool guy as well as the sexy hunk with equal ease.

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