I'm curious about people. That's what I've always done since I've been a small boy. I'm curious about others.

I'd always done family-friendly stuff. I wanted to do a film where I could show my darker side and make people uncomfortable.

People don't realise how much energy it takes to sing and hit all those high notes - but I always feel like I've done a marathon.

What I've always done as an entertainer is try to come up with things that people will find interesting, or compelling, or humorous.

Some people say that rough sleeping has always existed and always will - that there is nothing that can be done to stop it. That is simply not true.

The people I always loved listening to had a little bit of dirt under their fingernails because they had done some living and had these stories to talk about.

I've done other things, but it always seems like my sci-fi projects have been what people respond to the most, because those fans are extraordinary, so passionate.

My dictum has always been: 'This show is happening just here, just tonight, with these people who are in this hall, and nobody knows what's going to happen until it's done.'

If everything had already been done, there would be nothing left for young people to accomplish. There are always going to be people who run faster, jump higher, dive deeper, and come up drier.

I've always felt that everything I've done has been a conversation, a continuation of the last conversation that I had with the people who've watched my films... and that each thing led to the next.

You forget how many people watch TV until you come into a town like this. Everybody knows you, and I'm always humbled, especially when there are 500 little kids who all have their hair done like yours and want to be designers.

People attach too much to the idea of being a model, that you can only be a certain way to have done it. You will always be dealing with it. You're an actor who used to be a model who never trained; there are not many directors queuing up.

People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.

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