It's always amazing to me how hard the crew works.

For me, 'Cool Runnings' was amazing because I always wanted to bobsled and go to the Olympics.

It's always surprised me that the most successful and really amazing shows are also the happiest environments and very welcoming.

Some guys are always gifted: Amazing length, amazing athleticism. But just put me in front of that guy. That's my mindset. I'm gonna battle.

For me, Shah Rukh Khan will always be the most charming co-star I have ever worked with. He makes sure you are comfortable and happy on the set. I think 'Charming' is just his second name. His generosity and chivalry are amazing.

I kind of stumbled into acting, even though I've always been fascinated by people and kind of their motives, and it's been amazing to me, everything I read before about psychology, philosophy, just to put it into practice somehow.

I always give credit to Scotty 2 Hotty. He is an amazing teacher. I was in his class for, I want to say three months and I learned so much and he helped me grow, not only as a performer, but as a person. He was always there for me.

The Americans think British T.V. shows are amazing, and everybody references 'Downton Abbey', and, in my genre, 'Doctor Who', which everyone is crazy for. People are always asking me and are always disappointed that I haven't been in it.

Winning in Berlinale, in Hong Kong, and then to get such an amazing response, reviews, and now to be India's official entry for Oscars... My mother is right up there and keeping a check on me. Her blessings are always going to be with me, I know.

You know how Bette Midler always says her obituary will read, 'Bette Midler dies. Started her career at the Continental Baths?' Mine will say 'Chris March died. He was on Season 4 of 'Project Runway.'' It's an amazing show, it did a lot for me, and I'm fine with it. Unless it becomes terribly disreputable.

People ask me what it was like working with Jim Carrey. Well, I never really saw too much of him. I would talk to him on the set, but I was looking at a Grinch facade. It was his voice and all, but... Jim is amazing to watch in front of the camera. I learned a lot from him. He was also always very nice and generous to me.

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