I am an elected official. I am a parent.

Official truths are often powerful illusions.

Turkey does not have an official exchange rate target.

I can not regulate Daryl Turner. He's a union official.

If you're a public official, your life is an open book.

I am an elected official; I was not elected by the Right.

I have the biggest hair in the world - and that's official!

I was Tea Party years before there was an official Tea Party.

America has two national budgets, one official, one unofficial.

It pains me whenever there's the death of a law enforcement official.

When you're on official trips it's not a vacation, it's serious work.

It's always important to score even if it is not in an official game.

Law is any application for the official use of coercion that succeeds.

As a writer and former elected official, I believe in the power of words.

I'm not a public official. I'm a businessman, I'm a builder, I'm a planner.

There's something about having a badge that just makes you feel so official.

It's official: The biggest back-to-school bullies are anxiety, worry and fear.

If advertising is not an official or state art, it is nonetheless clearly art.

If the British Isles had an official vegetable, it would have to be the potato.

The official version of Watergate is as wrong as a Flat Earth Society pamphlet.

The Pentagon Papers case stands today as a barrier to silence by official edict.

There are always people who are doing things that don't fit the official accounts.

I consider myself an official scout for not just WWE, but the Reality of Wrestling.

I have a private Instagram and an official one, so I'm not opposed to social media.

John Kasich is the most popular elected official in Ohio because he got things done.

In Spain, players have an official price tag, just like shirts hanging in a shop do.

I as an elected official would never recommend anybody to boycott any city or state.

In official competitions there are mistakes you don't make or you pay for it dearly.

Official scientific organizations have all turned obsessively to the diversity agenda.

If you were a public official, you had to be accountable, and you had to be reachable.

And I think when you're an elected official, rightly so, you should watch what you say.

I'm an NBA basketball coach. I'm not an official, and I'm not trying to be an official.

Like some high official, you have to tell your brain: 'Do it. Come on. I have to do it.'

Winning an official World Cup with the South African team had become my burning ambition.

After a while, you get tired of being the official Scot and defending everything Scottish.

The official Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state.

The pictures and dresses and official functions - that's my job, but it's not my whole life.

In Indiana, we don't have an official state religion, but if we did, it would be basketball.

I am not the Jesus of the official church tolerated by those in power. I am not your superstar.

Well, Trump campaign is not an actor. Trump campaign is the official campaign of the president.

My connection with the Reich Ministers was of a purely official nature and was very infrequent.

I don't talk about any of my projects until the production house makes an official announcement.

Step outside the guidelines of the official umpires and make your own rules and your own reality.

What a rush it was to plunge into the bin of official decision and cast a ballot in favor of FUN.

I've never worked in politics, never been a member of an official committee or a political party.

When public officials turn to financial gain for official acts, we have no choice but to prosecute.

When patients reject official advice and proved medicine, they become more susceptible to quackery.

One of the most lethal mistakes a public official can make is raising taxes and not paying your own.

A Central Bank official said that Q-coin did not affect the renminbi; it adds vibrancy to the economy.

'Hum Dono' was accepted in a very big way. It was the official entry at the 1962 Berlin Film Festival.

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