My vote is my secret.

Disunity costs votes.

Don't forget to vote.

I'm glad I can't vote.

Worship With Your Vote.

I used to vote Democrat.

I wouldn't vote for Obama.

Vote early and vote often.

I vote and I do jury duty.

I would vote for a Mormon.

Vote in a national election.

I can't tell anyone to vote.

Exercise your right to vote.

I can't even vote in America!

You don't need papers to vote.

I think it's important to vote.

I don't trade my vote for money.

Nobody's going to vote for Isis.

Those who are outraged will vote.

If you don't vote, you're a moron.

If you don't vote, you don't count.

I don't vote. I don't do no voting.

Take it from me, every vote counts.

I will never vote for Donald Trump.

If you don't vote, you don't count.

If you don’t vote, you don’t matter.

Not even my parents know how I vote.

Don't vote, it only encourages them.

Votes should be weighed not counted.

People vote based on emotion. Period.

I vote for whoever will annoy my dad.

Our only hope is to control the vote.

I'm gonna vote against Donald Trump .

I always get more applause than votes.

I will vote my hopes and not my fears.

Only votes talk, everything else walks.

You gotta fight for your right to vote!

I've always tried to vote my conscience.

As an American citizen, one has to vote.

I am a United States citizen and I vote.

The vote controls everything that you do.

Truth is not arrived at by majority vote.

In my line of work, the enemy gets a vote.

All we have is our vote. But it's powerful.

A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Satan.

Most often the electorate votes for change.

The most powerful thing we own is our vote.

The American people's vote can't be bought.

You vote for Hillary Clinton, you're crazy.

If you vote for evil, you are evil yourself.

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