I am a film buff.

I'm a movie buff.

I'm a huge art buff.

I wasn't a film buff.

I'm a big zombie buff.

I've gotten more buff.

I'm a video game buff.

I'm not a fitness buff.

I was always a history buff.

I'm a military history buff.

I'm by no means an opera buff.

I am a tenor buff. I hear myself.

I'm a TV buff. I watch television.

I was a big aviation buff as a boy.

I was a big history buff as a teenager.

I love watching movies. I am a big movie buff.

I just love scary stuff! I'm a huge horror buff.

I'm a martial arts buff, so anything martial arts.

I'm not a film buff. I don't watch a lot of movies.

Musicals are my favorite. I'm a musical theater buff.

I am a great movie buff, and I devour films regularly.

I love theater, and I've always been a huge movie buff.

I'm a movie buff, and I'm interested in the craft of it.

Coming from Karolbagh, I have been a movie buff all my life.

I always go for 'SPIN' magazine because I'm such a music buff.

I like Joaquin Phoenix. He's an amazing actor and he's so buff.

I'm an American TV show buff. I can watch them nonstop for days.

I like fast cars. I used to be a car buff before I went to Fiat.

I'm a huge movie buff, so I'm a fan of a lot of actors and actresses.

I'm an old rock and roll buff. I love Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty.

Basically, I am a huge film buff and love watching all kinds of films.

I'm not a big film buff; I like watching films, but I tend to forget them.

I love hanging out with my friends; I love to run. I box. I'm a huge movie buff.

With long skirts, you can really buff. People open doors for you and everything.

I'd always loved movies. I watch them all the time; my dad is a huge movie buff.

I'm a huge history buff, so I just love to research, and I'm also slightly lazy.

I'm an actor because I love movies, and always have loved movies. I'm a film buff.

I'm a huge history buff. It was no hardship to read history textbooks for homework.

I know I'm not a buff dude in any sense, but I'm more than comfortable with my body.

I'm a history buff, so I've been reading lots of books on Irish and American history.

I have always been an amateur history buff, and I've been fascinated by legal history.

Beyonce moves a lot. She's astonishing, dances and sings at the same time. She is buff.

I like simple things. I like to sneak in the theatre and watch movies. I'm a movie buff.

I do a lot of cleaning and organizing of the house, and I'm also a big TV and movie buff.

I'm sort of a gym buff. It's a stress relief for me. But I only go for 20 minutes at a time.

I've never really been a genre fan. I never grew up reading comic books or was a horror buff.

My mother is a very big cinema buff, so as a kid, we watched a lot of Indian and Malay films.

When short guys start working out to bulk up. I like muscles, but I don't like really buff guys.

I'm something of a history buff. It's deliberate that a lot of my films have been period pieces.

I am really indoors-y. I am a video game and movie buff, and this keeps me in my little boy cave.

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