I really like Cold Cave.

I retreat to my cave in a very male fashion.

My heroes: Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Nina Simone.

Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century.

The frame of the cave leads to the frame of man.

I'll read anything by a guy who spent 40 years in a cave.

I'm so not macho. It's crazy. My man cave is so not a man cave.

I'm someone who just likes being in my cave and thinking up weird stuff.

Even the earliest cave paintings in France and Spain had natural motion.

Born on a mountain, raised in a cave. Arresting fugitives is all I crave.

One just principle from the depths of a cave is more powerful than an army.

Everywhere you hang your hat is home. Home is the bright cave under the hat.

When things are really dismal, you can laugh, or you can cave in completely.

Houses mean a creation, something new, a shelter freed from the idea of a cave.

I would get a lot of writing done if I lived in isolation in a cave under a swamp.

Do cave paintings mean anything? Not really, but I, for one, am happy to have them.

The lyrics are different from Nick Cave songs and lyrics. His songs are very narrative.

Whenever I hear that I'm on the brink of stardom, I feel like I want to run into a cave.

I'm Andrea Thompson, and unless you've been living in a cave, you probably already know that.

I'd rather live in a cave with a view of a palace than live in a palace with a view of a cave.

I don't keep a mobile, I am not computer savvy; I am not on any website. I live like a cave man.

I got a man cave. I play my music loud. I bought big speakers because I need to hear music loud.

I am really indoors-y. I am a video game and movie buff, and this keeps me in my little boy cave.

Time and again I was asked to arrest Jamaat activists but I put my foot down and refused to cave in.

I don't have a bunch of mates. I don't have a man cave. My wife and I, we are each other's best friend.

My ancestors are all crazy. My great-great-granddad, he was the last man to live in a cave in Nottingham.

I'm glowing in the dark with my studio tan. I've been in a cave of music for months and months and months.

We do ourselves a disservice when some of us cave to the myth that Social Security somehow drives the deficit.

In my man cave, I have tomahawks, throwing knives, and old black-bear furs. There's skulls, weapons everywhere.

For years we've had leaders who promised to end America's costly wars, only to cave in to the establishment view.

I don't back down. I don't cave when the pressure gets too great from these partisan political ideological forces.

We need to take politics out of health care. Congress will cave to pretty much any special interest on the subject.

I want to inspire and educate people and just be an Aladdin's cave for the magpie crafters that are already out there.

The day I initiated divorce proceedings against Michael Farmer, I was ready to retire to a desert cave and rethink my life.

I draw the line at letting people into my songwriting cave. To me, that's where the alchemy happens and where the mystery is.

Gravity Falls' didn't just appear overnight - every spooky cave and moss covered tree was created by a team of brilliant artists.

I'm not that tough; I'm not that smart. I need life telling me who I am, showing me my mind constantly. I wouldn't see it in a cave.

Mostly I sit alone in a room and cry and do my job - so when they let me out of my cave to go on tour, I really listen to my readers.

Every few thousand years some shepard inhales smoke from a burning bush and has a vision or eats moldy rye bread in a cave and sees God.

The Smithsonian should box and preserve Tim McGraw's Nashville den for a future exhibit entitled 'Early 21st Century American Man Cave.'

When I'm on stage the savage in me is released. It's like going back to being a cave man. It takes me six hours to come down after a show.

Scripts didn't exist during my time in Bollywood, or, at least, I was never given one. I don't want to act at all and am happy in my cave.

It's productive and fun to try interpreting cave paintings, but ultimately, they can't teach us anything beyond what we imagine them to be.

I tried gimmicky stuff 'cause I wanted to get some attention, and remember, you know, in the rap world Seattle was a cave. There was no light.

If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends.

The teenager's room is her cave. It is here she can meet herself, undistracted by the new hassles life is making for her. Here, she can reflect.

I think you'd have to literally live in a cave to not know anything about 'Twilight'. I've seen a few of the movies, but I haven't read the books.

My love of Seagal is ridiculous. Like, I love this man. I love how ridiculous he is. I mean, he made an album called 'Songs From The Crystal Cave.'

Literature is love. I think it went like this: drawings in the cave, sounds in the cave, songs in the cave, songs about us. Later, stories about us.

'Man cave' seems retrograde, but 'she shed' seems progressive. Or maybe it's just a place for me to eat embarrassing amounts of chocolate in private.

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