I was a chubby kid.

I was considered chubby as a teen.

I was a short, chubby kid, pretty shy.

Chubby Checker changed the dance floor.

I was a little chubby, rosy-cheeked kid.

I think little chubby dogs are the cutest.

I was a little bit chubby when I was a kid.

I went through awkward, chubby, total weirdo phases.

I'm just a wee, chubby boy that happens to sing songs.

I was quite short and chubby until I was 14, when I shot up.

I was obsessed with Chubby Checker and old dances, like the twist.

When my face starts to feel chubby, I know there is an issue with my weight.

History was made the day Chubby Checker went on 'Bandstand' with 'The Twist.'

As a kid who grew up chubby, I just marveled at the fact that I could be thin.

Being a big kid, I was kind of fat and chubby, and I got picked on quite a bit.

Self-doubt is a constant companion for a chubby, gay, black boy born in the South.

When I think of the name 'Joyce' I think of a grandma or an old chubby Mrs. Claus.

Do you go to gym and exercise to music? Before Chubby Checker, that never happened.

It's funny how a chubby kid can just be having fun, and people call it entertainment!

For an Ethiopian mother, if you have a chubby kid, it means you're doing something good.

I was quite chubby, so when I started dancing professionally I had to work hard to stay slim.

Why would you want a picture with a wee, chubby guy from Bathgate? I just don't understand my appeal.

I grew up a chubby girl. I had two brothers. My parents loved us, they just fed us whatever we wanted.

When you throw your hands up in the air like you just don't care, you're doing 'The Fly' by Chubby Checker!

Growing up, I was the awkward, chubby kid. I had a few close friends, but I was the first one to be bullied.

As for body-shaming, there will always be people who will love chubby people and those who will dislike them.

Clinique's Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm in Chunky Cherry is perfect for people with my skin tone.

I'm sure that my father becoming seriously ill when I was 14 had a lot to do with my going from chubby to fat.

A bloke once yelled out: 'You've got chubby knees.' I was 19. I've had a real complex about my knees ever since.

There is a little chubby kid in me just waiting to bust out. I usually go running but am looking for a good gym.

I think breastfeeding is part of what helped me lose my baby weight. I just dump it all into my chubby little son.

I still have in me the same awareness when I was 12 and chubby and a girl was spitting in my face. I'm the same person.

I was a chubby kid who got made fun of a lot, and I got fit in high school, and I stayed fit in my 20s, until my dad died.

When I go on stage, I'm a different man. I become Chubby Checker, And when I'm not Chubby Checker, I'm preparing to be him.

When I was younger, I was chubby. It gave me a terrible sense of self-image, and I guess I carry that around with me still.

I hired a personal trainer to help me lose 25 pounds and get from obese to fat. My next step will be to get from fat to chubby.

It's a natural blessing. Thanks to God. He gave me this ability of being chubby but still being fast and being able to hit hard.

Growing up, I was always chubby. My girlfriends were always running around in two-pieces, and I never felt comfortable to do that.

I love not only the chubby ones, but also the skinny ones, black hair, the blondes... when I get up the stage, I give myself completely.

I was a chubby boy. My pants used to wear out in the middle, and it was because my legs used to rub together. I wasn't obese, just chunky.

I'd be up for the 'Bond' theme, and I'd put my name forward for the lead role. If they want a wee, chubby guy from Scotland, then I'm their man.

The only difference between The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, and Chubby Checker is that they get their music played on the radio.

If I do a movie where I have to have a son and it's a chubby kid, my mother is always like, 'You were never like that.' She gets so upset about it.

People need to understand that I came this far being chubby and all that. Imagine how far I could go actually being in good shape and looking good.

I was born tall. I was awkward and gangly. Before that, I was a really chubby elementary school kid. I've always been sort of a physical abnormality.

I think somewhere along the way I realized, 'O.K., no one's gonna care about a chubby Jewish dude rapping.' I realized I'd be better behind the scenes.

I've been chubby, I've been skinny, I've been considered ugly, I've been considered cute... It runs the gamut and all of those things are very humbling.

I am actually a bit chubby, and I eat everything. I eat in a way - if my parents fed me the way I choose to eat as an adult, they would've lost custody.

You have to be very strong to play my music. The drummer has to be in great shape. Same with the guitarist. You have to be a monster to play with Chubby!

One of my insecurities was my looks. I was short, cute and chubby, and Dad used to call me his 'little fat sausage.' But I always knew I had musical talent.

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