I'm old fashioned. I like the CD.

To me, making a CD is like writing a book.

'Under My Skin' was the first CD I ever owned.

But I can't remember who is in my CD player now.

Every single CD I made, I'm in a different place.

I'm not going to be the guy who sold the last CD.

I want to hold a CD I didn't burn. I hate burnt CDs.

A CD is only a snapshot of the songs at a given time.

I always have something by Stevie Wonder in my CD player.

People should just buy a CD and rip it. You are legal then.

There's a lot about records that you cannot feel from a CD.

I'd rather have vinyl and a download code than a CD any day.

When CD technology first came out, it was just so much waste.

I never really work on just one CD - I'm recording, recording.

The CD is dedicated to our dog Nell, who passed away last year.

I did a CD way back in 1989, but I never got it off the ground.

The first CD I bought was Brandy and Monica's 'The Boy Is Mine.'

My wife forever has made fun of my Yanni CD that I had in college.

The same kids listening to Papa Roach will listen to an Xzibit CD.

I'm not trying to make a speech on CD because who wants to buy that?

I'm working toward a CD that will have all of you dancing like crazy.

But the Danzig unreleased stuff will be either a single or a double CD.

We aren't just some record to put out before the new Pussycat Dolls CD!

First CD I bought for myself was 'The Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance.

Today, if you were to look at my CD collection, it might scare some people.

I did a double CD, 'The Element of Surprise,' in 1998. That album went gold.

With this CD technology, you can just remix a record right there on the spot.

I'm not going to put out a Christmas CD until it's coming out of me naturally.

Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix.

I don't want to put out a CD of album songs. I'm gunning for every song to be a single.

These days there's so much technology and ways you can learn. There are videos and CD roms.

I have an iPod, but I put my music in it from my CDs, and then I have that CD in my library.

The career high would be putting out a Kids of Widney High CD on my label, Ipecac Recordings.

If you buy a CD and want to put your favorite songs on one CD, you should be able to do that.

I posted some songs on MySpace, and right away people started asking, 'Where can I get a CD?'

Technically speaking, there is no music whatsoever on a CD. Lots of information, but no music.

I definitely like making music in the studio, but I never had it out to make a CD specifically.

I was approached in Texas to be a model a few times. One of my first jobs was the cover of a CD.

My CD, my first release, was at the Comedy Works in Denver, one of the best clubs in the country.

I want to release another CD this year, finish writing a screenplay, and make another short film.

I don't want to release a CD; I want to release the real deal, so we're just gonna take our time.

We have awesome and loyal fans. They'll buy our CD, then buy three more copies for their friends.

Unless I've got Katy Perry on the cover of my CD, it's going to be tough to sell a lot of records.

My first cassette was 'Synchronicity,' and my first CD was U2 'War' and King Crimson 'Discipline.'

I remember sitting at home in West Texas listening to my 'Songs for a New World' CD over and over.

Actually, my cd was released in 1985, in return for two German missionaries and a Dutch urologist.

I had my first stereo when I turned 12, and every two weeks, I would save up money and buy one CD.

Um, well, I made a new CD called 'Dream With Me' and it's out now, and I'm really excited about it.

When I was 12 years old, my dad got into country music. My first CD was Wynonna Judd, and I loved it.

I didn't record any additional dialogue for this CD, they are excerpts pulled from existing episodes.

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