I love vinyl, man.

My dad is a huge music and vinyl fan.

I believe that vinyl will outlast CDs.

I think some songs are better on vinyl.

It ain't no joke when you lose your vinyl.

Kids today don't know that much about vinyl.

I'm surprised how many people are into vinyl.

You can't roll a joint on an iPod, buy vinyl.

Zeppelin vinyl is quite revered in audiophile circles.

I buy records - vinyl. I have a record player at home.

The album's not dead for me; I still buy vinyl albums.

I'm not extra'd out. I got a cool little vinyl collection.

I'd rather have vinyl and a download code than a CD any day.

The first bit of vinyl I bought was Michael Jackson's 'Bad.'

I got a lot of vinyl, a lot of music in general in the house.

I'm a record collector. I'd spend all my pocket money on vinyl.

'Vinyl' is a good look at the music industry. The script was honest.

I love looking back, and even putting new music on vinyl - if it's right!

To play vinyl onstage is not my thing. For me, vinyl is for home listening.

The four building blocks of the universe are fire, water, gravel and vinyl.

Water doesn't hurt a vinyl record. Put it into a dishwasher and you're fine.

Vinyl has gotten to the point where it's exclusively for the collector, I guess.

A few guys will get up there with turntables as purists, to play vinyl or whatever.

I remember the first vinyl I bought: 'Purple Rain,' my favorite Prince album, ever.

I love vinyl, you know? To me it has depth, warmth, it's the best way to really sample.

CDs are not as good as vinyl, and you buy one in the supermarket along with the yoghurt.

The truth is I got rid of 100% of my vinyl in the '90s. All the vinyl I have is re-bought.

I do love the ceremony of putting on a record but I don't have space for a vinyl collection.

People often forget this - a vinyl album could only contain a maximum of 20 minutes per side!

I kind of stopped buying vinyl because I'm always on the road and you can never listen to it.

I love vinyl, but I'm not a 'vinyl person'. I still collect, but most of my stuff is digital.

Somebody brought up the idea of reissuing 'Tribute To 1' because it was out of print on vinyl.

All vinyl polymers may be regarded as built from monomeric units containing a tertiary carbon atom.

There's so much plastic in this culture that vinyl leopard skin is becoming an endangered synthetic.

I love that vinyl is actually growing in popularity, and that there are so many great record stores.

Sure, we all like listening to music on vinyl, but that doesn't mean streaming music on Spotify is bad.

I have a lot of vinyl, but I only buy old records on vinyl. Like secondhand. It's too expensive otherwise.

I'm very excited about the resurgence of vinyl which seems to parallel a growing interest in live performance.

A hard copy? It's fire. People want vinyl and cassette tapes - it's just cool to be able to touch it and feel it.

I go for a nice walk in my neighborhood and search for vinyl, old jazz, classics. Then I go home and listen to them.

My older brother had a lot of Elvis on vinyl, and really, that was my first introduction to music during the Fifties.

My dad has a huge vinyl collection downstairs, but I was never too interested. The only CD I had was by Adam Sandler.

I had a year-round Christmas tree with nothing but colored vinyl 45s hanging on it, like, old Elvis records and stuff.

I love the sound of vinyl best. My sweetheart and I love to put on a vinyl record, it feels and sounds so much better.

As long as those things are on vinyl or tape or what have you, the record companies are going to release them someday.

There's no question that a vinyl record is a lot nicer than a CD. It's nicer to hold in your hands, you can do more with it.

The digital world is so convenient and nice, but just playing back a vinyl record is a much warmer, hotter, more present feeling.

My dad is a guitar player with huge vinyl record collection. I loved listening to his albums, especially Cream and The Yardbirds.

When I did the first 'Oxygene' in the vinyl days, I had a structure in mind divided in 2 parts fitting the A&B sides of an album.

I play vinyl and CDs. Playing vinyl is the best sound quality you can get playing music loudly, so that's the main reason I do that.

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