I'm curvy and wholesome.

Kate Upton is curvy and nervy.

No one wants to see curvy women.

I'm the curvy one of the family.

I'm more than just a curvy girl.

Curvy is something to be proud of.

Im a curvy girl, and Im a real girl.

I'm a curvy girl, and I'm a real girl.

Curvy is just a polite way of saying fat.

I'm a curvy girl and that will never change.

'Curvy' is just a polite way of saying 'fat.'

Personally, I've always loved the curvy look.

Curvy girls can pull off any look - it's what we do.

I'm not overweight. I flucuate between chubby and curvy.

All of my clients have athletic or curvy, healthy bodies.

Tall, thin, curvy, short – whatever you are, you are beautiful.

As long as I can be physically healthy, I don't mind being curvy.

I'm short, and I'm curvy, and so shopping is hard for me sometimes.

I've always had that naturally curvy body since I was 11 years old.

I've got quite a curvy shape so I try to wear stuff that's tailored.

I'd much rather be known as some curvy Kate than as some skinny stick.

You know, I'm a curvy woman and I just want to be comfortable with that.

Beyonce has long, muscular legs but is tall, thin, and very curvy, even voluptuous.

My drawing for women is really curvy. My drawings for men are actually quite angular.

I'm a girl who's curvy, and I'm Latvian, but I don't have hips, and I have a tiny waist.

The clothes at Style369 are fashionable - and have a great sense of fit for curvy girls.

You can never be too perfect, too thin, too curvy. I'm very confident and happy with my body.

I love color, and I'm very inspired by curvy women and helping them feel good in their clothes.

I'm short and curvy, but I think people want to work with me for reasons other than what I look like.

Seriously, in America there are more big, curvy girls than there are little girls, and men love us, too.

Vivienne Westwood makes such beautifully structured clothes that are especially flattering if you are curvy.

If you're working on a computer and you're editing bass, it looks like a warm curvy, sort of feminine object.

Beauty is not a size. You can be a size 2 and be curvy or you can be a size 24 and be curvy Curvy is being a woman.

No one's body is up for comment. No matter how small, how curvy, how round, how flat. If you love you, then I love you.

I'm quite curvy and I just try and exercise whenever I can. I don't do anything hardcore as I'm just not that dedicated.

After so long being thin, it was terrifying being heavier. But I am a naturally curvy Hispanic girl. I don't deprive myself.

I think it's hilarious when people call Jessica Alba or Eva Longoria curvy. Come on. They're not curvy. They're small. I'm curvy.

I'm a model, and I happen to model for curvy things, but at the end of the day, I'm still in front of a camera just like anyone else.

The road to happiness has never been a straight one, and yet, it is the only road worth traveling, no matter how curvy or rocky it is!

I had some struggles to find my footing. I couldn't really find a place to appreciate me - I'm a little bit curvy for the dance world.

To some, I'm too curvy. To others, I'm too tall, too busty, too loud, and, now, too small - too much, but at the same time not enough.

I'll say American for now. I really have no preference, though. Nationality is nothing. It's all about the girl - but she has to be curvy!

I love curvy women. Maybe because I'm not. I would love to be a Marilyn Monroe, but I'm very far away from that... So I love very curvy girls.

To me it's sexier when it doesn't look like you go to the gym. I feel best when I'm not really thin and not really heavy - when I'm still curvy.

You have to embrace your body, whether it's curvy or whatever you may be. You have to embrace who you are. Beauty comes from the inside not out.

I'm booby and kind of curvy, so I definitely need to wear things that work with that. I can't just put on a muumuu, because it looks crazy on me.

One door shuts, and another one opens, and you just kind of follow that path. My path has been a little curvy, but it is what it is. It's all good.

It was hard to get guys to notice me, period, because I was so skinny and all my friends were curvy. Plus, I used to be very nervous in front of guys.

When you sketch a shoe but don't have the intention to do a proper shoe, it remains a curvy sketch with no detail. The shoe completely morphs to the body.

I like curvy women. But obviously, a sense of humour is the most important thing. And there's nothing sexier than a girl who is comfortable in her own skin.

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