Health consists of having the same diseases as one's neighbors.

I did not want to become a poster child for yet another disease.

The evidence is truly overwhelming that disease is pluri-causal.

Disease is cured by the body itself, not by doctors or remedies.

Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman.

Pearl is a disease of oysters. Levant is a disease of Hollywood.

Disease makes men more physical, it leaves them nothing but body.

If man is not the image of God, then he is a disease of the dust.

Cured yesterday of my disease, I died last night of my physician.

Advertisers constantly invent cures to which there is no disease.

The disease with which the human mind now labors is want of faith

Most of us don't collapse into puddles of stress-related disease.

There are epidemics of nobleness as well as epidemics of disease.

We care a lot more about not having the disease than treating it.

The top line is that hubris is a disease that comes from success.

It is the disease of not listening...... that I am troubled with.

Excessive animal protein is at the core of many chronic diseases.

The passion for tidiness is the historian's occupational disease.

Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease.

For behavior, men learn it, as they take diseases, one of another.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.

Nostalgia could be considered a disease because you're living now.

Alzheimer's disease is death before death, and I'm terrified of it.

Paranoia is a social disease-you get it from screwing other people.

I want doctors to treat toward health and not treat toward disease.

Poverty possesses this disease; through want it teaches a man evil.

The problem with heart disease is the first symptom is often fatal.

The forms of diseases are many and the healing of them is manifold.

Who will take medicine unless he knows he is in the grip of disease?

Because of my sickle-cell disease, I have a high tolerance for pain.

Drug abuse is a medical disease that requires medical professionals.

Psychology often becomes the disease of which it should be the cure.

I have this disease that if I feel good somewhere, I... buy a house.

Antioxidants have a good effect on certain forms of Crohn's disease.

Without fear and disease, my life would be like a boat without oars.

It's just a bunch of songs. I'm not trying to cure any major disease.

Self-depreciation is a disease. Once it gets a hold on us - good-bye!

It is a wearisome disease to preserve health by too strict a regimen.

Cancer is the most pernicious, insidious, disgusting disease of life.

Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure

Im generally considered a conservative in my predictions for disease.

Alcoholism is the only disease that you can get yelled at for having.

All disease and aging occurs as the subtle physical body breaks down.

Every disease is a musical problem; every cure is a musical solution.

Prejudice is a disease. So is fashion. But I will not wear prejudice.

Arteriosclerosis can be considered a disease of protein intoxication.

I have never had a dietician and I never will, unless I get a disease.

Ninety percent of the cases of polio are in security-vulnerable areas.

Devotion is a disease. And you catch it from those people who have it.

I'm generally considered a conservative in my predictions for disease.

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