To be is to be vulnerable.

Love makes me feel vulnerable.

To be alive is to be vulnerable.

Silence makes me feel vulnerable.

To love at all is to be vulnerable.

I'm still vulnerable and still weak.

Dishonesty makes me feel vulnerable.

I am vulnerable; that's why I fight.

I feel pretty vulnerable all the time.

True power is given to the vulnerable.

My son always makes me feel vulnerable.

Being barefoot makes me feel vulnerable.

Love is not love until love's vulnerable.

Deceit and lying make me feel vulnerable.

If you get married, you become vulnerable.

Swords and knives make me feel vulnerable.

Faith is a vulnerable thing, not a battle.

Caring about anyone leaves you vulnerable.

I enjoy helping people who are vulnerable.

I'm not frightened of appearing vulnerable.

My kids and my wife make me feel vulnerable.

I feel the most vulnerable when I'm in love.

Singing, to me, just feels really vulnerable.

Simply being myself makes me feel vulnerable.

What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful.

People are always vulnerable when they're happy.

Mac OS is just as vulnerable as Microsoft Windows

I'm vulnerable, I'm vulnerable. I am not a robot.

It’s not easy to ask… asking makes you vulnerable.

Be confident, but allow yourself to be vulnerable.

I'm vulnerable reading people's comments on Facebook.

I feel very vulnerable when it has to do with family.

I won't put myself in a position where I'm vulnerable.

People who know me know I'm strong, but I'm vulnerable.

We are all products of our time, vulnerable to history.

It's tougher to be vulnerable than to actually be tough.

I think you become more relatable when you're vulnerable.

By cool, I don't mean cool. I mean vulnerable and a mess.

I think I'm actually more vulnerable than people imagine.

I have been a vulnerable target for those who want money.

This planet is a wonderful place, but a vulnerable place.

I don't like being vulnerable. I feel uncomfortable in it.

The better the artist, the more vulnerable he seems to be.

Most important and most vulnerable of human emotions; Love.

Communication is so much better when people are vulnerable.

Everyone is vulnerable who is at once gifted and gregarious.

I have never felt vulnerable nor restricted in my movements.

I suppose I'll always be over-vulnerable, slightly paranoid.

I have no choice but to defend the most vulnerable among us.

When ideas are young and vulnerable, criticism can be lethal.

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