Anyone can love you when things are alright. It takes courage to love ...

Anyone can love you when things are alright. It takes courage to love when things are not good and it does not feel right.

I don't know how I feel right now.

I'mma just do me, when it feel right.

I can't be funny if my feet don't feel right.

Only if a child feels right can he think right.

If my senses don't feel right then I don't do it.

Love is so blind, it feels right when it's wrong.

Don't confuse what FEELS right, for what IS right.

If it feels right, do it. If it feels wrong, don't.

You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible!

I had a joint once and I didn't feel right for a whole year

Just for the record, how I feel right now is very terrific.

Feels right to have a woman follow President Obama, doesn't it?

I find color schemes that I just like and that just feel right.

It's nice to see something more pathetic than I feel right now.

Our hearts lie. Something can 'feel' right and be completely wrong.

A man's got to work for more than himself and his kids to feel right

What I love about New York is just the electricity I feel right away.

There's a confidence you find when you finally feel right in your body.

Often intuition will direct you. If it feels right, it's probably right.

I don't tend to question things that much. If it feels right, I go for it.

If I don't feel right about what I'm in, I don't feel right about anything.

I approach everything in my life the same way; if it feels right, I know it.

A person knows when it just seems to feel right to them. Listen to your heart.

I just do what I do because it feels right. Other people attach labels to that.

You know, I just do whatever feels right to me! And so that's what you're gonna get!

After being in the studio, I realized this is how I want to be. It just feels right.

Every time I break out of what is expected of me and do what feels right, I feel stronger.

Follow your feelings. If it feels right, move forward. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.

I can't hit on women in public any more. I didn't decide this; it just doesn't feel right at my age.

Plan to the extent that feels right to you at a particular time in your life, but always be open to serendipity.

We only do what feels right. If something feels forced or contrived, then we pull back. We remain the Foo Fighters.

The seat of knowledge is in the head; of wisdom, in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong, if we do not feel right.

I feel physically ill if I don't make work, I don't create. I don't feel very good. I don't feel right, I feel wrong.

I've actually always been into suits. But I never really wore them, I guess because I was too young and it didn't feel right.

If only the peace I feel right nowcould be stored up and released laterwhen cruelty surrounds mein the darkduring nightmares.

When I record somebody else's song, I have to make it my own or it doesn't feel right. I'll say to myself, I wrote this and he doesn't know it!

I don't compare myself to anyone else; I don't make comments about anyone else because they do what feels right for them, and that's okay by me.

You don't just go with a majority because it's the majority. You go with it because it's right. If it feels right, do it. As long as it's legal.

I'm more a collector of identities and words that feel right to me. To me this is an inarguable point. I am who I say I am and that's not up for debate.

A musician knows hit material. It has to feel right. Everything has to feel in place. It fulfills you and it makes you feel good. You know it when you hear it.

If it feels right in your gut, this is who you are, this is what you do, this is what you feel, then don't hide that. You just stick to it and the world will catch up.

Sometimes you have to hold tight to what God has already said because you can get so clouded over emotionally that you can no longer rely on what feels right or wrong.

I'm actually relaxed onstage. Totally relaxed. It's nice. I feel relaxed in the studio too. I know whether something feels right. If it doesn't, I know how to fix it. Everything has to be in place and if it is you feel good, you feel fulfilled.

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