Gluten is this Generation's Tobacco

I try not to eat too much dairy or gluten.

I'm gluten free, but that still allows me some chocolate!

The liberal Gluten-free agenda is turning our dogs lesbian.

We may all be sensitive to gluten from a neurological standpoint.

Just because you take gluten out of something doesn't make it a health food.

If she and Sam ever had kids, they'd be gluten-intolerant out of self-defence.

To be a gluten-free vegan is, like, the most difficult thing you can possibly be.

I follow a dairy-free and gluten-free diet, which can be challenging in some places.

My favorite splurge would be gluten-free pizza. Or I'm a total truffle addict so truffle mac and cheese.

Vegan or not, gluten-free or not, Erin McKenna's donuts are the best I've had in 20 years, without exception.

I would suggest that gluten tends to be tied to carbs. And I try to balance my carbs and my proteins and my fats.

Most people don't realize this, but you can eat organic, all natural, gluten-free food without telling everyone around you.

Everyone should try no gluten for a week! The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing. You won't go back!

There's a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They've got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.

Yet an estimated 99 percent of people who have a problem with eating gluten don't even know it. They ascribe their ill health or symptoms to something else-not gluten sensitivity, which is 100 percent curable.

Fear of carbs, of gluten, of everything - we've distanced ourselves from the beauty of food, the art of it. It makes me sad when people say, 'Oh, I don't eat gluten. I don't eat cheese. I don't eat this. So I eat cardboard.'

How can you begin to uncover whether gluten sensitivity is causing some of your health issues? Symptoms occur shortly after eating gluten and improve or disappear within hours or days after gluten is withdrawn. Symptoms return again if gluten is reintroduced.

Researchers have known for some time now that the cornerstone of all degenerative conditions, including brain disorders, is inflammation. But what they didn’t have documented until now are the instigators of that inflammation—the first missteps that prompt this deadly reaction. And what they are finding is that gluten, and a high-carbohydrate diet for that matter, are among the most prominent stimulators of inflammatory pathways that reach the brain.

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