I like Hawaiian pizza.

Pizza makes me throw up!

I love pizza hands down.

I make unbelievable pizza.

I order pizza a lot to set.

Pizza is no longer on my diet.

I prefer New York style pizza.

I will always eat pizza! Always.

I typically like Sicilian pizza.

I'm always in the mood for pizza.

Art's for art. Money's for pizza.

I want a pizza with my face on it.

I really love pizza after midnight.

Hunter Pence eats pizza with a fork.

I think of dieting, then I eat pizza.

Every cook I knows loves to make pizza.

Where there is power, there is resistance.

You judge a pizza place on their cheese slice.

I'd rather sell reefer than do pizza delivery.

I ate a whole 20-inch pizza by myself one time.

I eat a lot of pizza and really unhealthy food.

Pizza makes me think that anything is possible.

I would never win an award for not loving pizza.

Sales went crazy when we made the pizza perfect.

I love pizza; you cant really go wrong with pizza.

I love pizza; you can't really go wrong with pizza.

Ideas are like pizza dough, made to be tossed around.

Cold pizza is a perfect breakfast, with lots of salt.

I don't eat fast food, but I can't live without pizza.

It took me four months in Biosphere 2 to make a pizza.

Work is a slice of your life. It's not the entire pizza.

I will never understand the appeal of the Hawaiian pizza.

We don't promote or advocate people eating a whole pizza.

You can't go wrong with pizza, unless it's terrible pizza.

Everybody likes pizza! It's a quick and easy clean-up meal.

I have a goal of being the No.1 pizza company in the world.

But magic is like pizza: even when it's bad, it's pretty good.

Then I did Mystic Pizza, just to do something I wasn't fat in.

Pizza is my obsession; I eat pizza at least two times per week.

Neapolitans have always had their fast food. It's called pizza.

Pizza is a circle. Pizza is my life. Pizza is the circle of life.

I make myself pizza if it comes down to that drastic measurement.

My favorite foods are things that aren't great to eat, like pizza.

And I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza.

I love pizza, I love Chinese food, Caribbean food, I love Italian.

On Sundays, that's my pig out day and I do the pizza and the beer.

I like my fried chicken, my pizza, my peaches and my gefilte fish.

My dad is a singer. He used to sing in nightclubs, or pizza joints.

I'm a huge pasta and pizza lover. I can eat those every single day.

I just want to be in my sweats, walk my dog, watch TV and eat pizza.

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