An agenda is not a bad thing.

It's impossible to remove agendas.

I have no particular career agenda.

You are free to love without an agenda

Everyone has a hidden agenda. Except me!

Never let the other fellow set the agenda.

A leader must not let critics set the agenda.

Iraq war has made us overlook domestic agenda.

Everybody comes to the journalist with an agenda.

I had an agenda. It was a very smooth transition.

Don't let evil agendas turn us against each other.

My secret agenda is to convey my values to my kids.

Agendas tend to drain the life out of relationships.

I care more about an agenda than story and character.

There is a hidden agenda in the fragility of romance.

The liberal agenda is the blueprint for national ruin.

Political doesn't necessarily mean you have an agenda.

I don't have political agendas. I have social agendas.

My agenda is trying to help people live a better life.

The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda.

Realize that agendas drive data, not the other way round

As governor, I learned the importance of having an agenda.

I'm not an artist who has an agenda that's set by the work

Whoever sets the agenda controls the outcome of the debate

Whatever my aims and agendas were, I never asked for power.

I have no social agenda with my work. I'm deadpan about it.

The liberal Gluten-free agenda is turning our dogs lesbian.

I've worked on the urban agenda all my life. All. My. Life.

I do think there's a lot more we can do on the life agenda.

Twenty-fourteen is all about growth musically and new agendas.

I didn't have any agenda or plan when I started writing stuff.

The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.

The agenda of the roadblock is the philosophy of the stop sign.

Part of forgiving people is releasing them from our own agendas.

I never wanted to be one of those actors with a political agenda.

The Jews control Hollywood and use it to promote their own agenda.

There is a huge agenda behind trying to destroy me and put me down.

The Truth is the only thing you’ll ever run into that has no agenda.

The secret of a person's success is discovered in their daily agenda.

I think [Pope] Francis intends to forge ahead with his reform agenda.

Parents are the perfect people to talk to. They have no hidden agendas.

[On her writing agenda:] Make the familiar exotic; the exotic familiar.

My agenda will never change from making good music and staying relevant.

God just has his own agenda, and he does what he wants to do with stuff.

Words are living things. They have personality, point of view... agenda.

Supporting a murderous political agenda with such an argument is tragic!

Beware of anyone who claims to be neutral, for they always have an agenda.

My only agenda is to bring attention to otherwise ignored and shunned lives.

Democrats have no agenda, no plan for the future, and no sense of leadership

As a human race, we have good people and bad people, and everyone has agendas.

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