Ladies, I'll let you in on a lil secret: guys don't notice your nails.

I have learned from experience with the BDO and the ladies tournament.

I don't make records just for the ladies. I make it for the fellas, too.

First of all, ladies and gentlemen, you must forget that you are singers.

Ladies, you have to love yourself... you don't always have to have a man.

I am around ladies' clothing all day long, and I get real sick of clothes.

My mother says ladies perspire and men sweat. Clearly, I am more of a man.

First Ladies have always been held like specimens under a media microscope.

I think it was a great moment for America to have two ladies on the podium.

You see why we play so many crazy ladies. We have to be crazy to start with.

I feel really proud of myself for helping to put the ladies' game out there.

The number of old ladies who've beaten me up on TV is absolutely ridiculous.

God almighty made women and the Rockefeller gang of thieves made the ladies.

Ladies and gentlemen, god bless America - land of the free, home of the brave.

I was the ladies' man in school. I always had friends; people looked up to me.

My father could swear in Gaelic and English, by the way, ladies and gentlemen.

I think that tennis is a lady's sport, so we should look out there like ladies.

Girls always make our music go. They set the trends. It starts with the ladies.

I'm just a handsome guy. Kinda like a ladies' man, like 'Ladies Man,' the movies.

The ladies of comedy now are comfortable dressing up. It's not forbidden anymore.

Especially with the ladies' game, I have proved we can compete with all these men.

I'd wear clogs, short pants and ladies' bracelets. I created this aura for myself.

Ladies, don't be afraid of getting big, bulky arm muscles from resistance exercise.

We gonna teach the ladies they can still respect themselves and still be beautiful.

There will always be ladies who lunch. Always. And apparently they live a long time.

The ladies remember me from 'Falcon Crest,' and the guys remember me from 'Renegade.'

The miniskirt enables young ladies to run faster, and because of it, they may have to.

Tell all the ladies to follow me on Snapchat. I don't want to see no guys snapping me.

I'm always really comfortable writing strong, smart ladies. That's kind of my bailiwick.

Hollywood stops hiring their star leading ladies when they turn 40. It's very defeating.

I wish I was dating one of the ladies in 'Bollywood Hero.' They're gorgeous. Any of them.

It is easy for me to love myself, but for ladies to do it is another question altogether.

I think it kind of took being a character actor to kind of now enter into leading ladies.

Gentlemen and ladies are sure of their ground. They pretend to nothing that they are not.

I usually go for the ethnic ladies. That's kinda my preference, but I don't discriminate.

I've always liked older ladies, ever since my mother would have B'nai B'rith at our house.

Mornin' ladies, my goodness don't you look happy. Must be cuttin' somebody up pretty good.

Tampa's crazy... The ladies in Tampa come in all flavors. I felt like I was at Dairy Queen.

Dressing up as decrepit old ladies, and even decrepit young ladies, was one of our staples.

If every man loves his mother, he's going to treat the ladies right, with love and respect.

I have seen many ladies displaying different styles and different styles displaying ladies.

I'm sorry, but in my generation and where I came from, only sailors got tattoos. Not ladies.

Ladies are honest. They're my motivation. They know what's funny, and the dudes just follow.

I feel truly blessed to be one of the many black women who are leading ladies on television.

All of the First Ladies were good, creative and strong. I've always said they should be paid.

Ladies seem very intrigued by a guy who is ultra confident and acts like he doesn't need you.

I will miss the ladies and the passion of the Sun fans. I was proud to serve as their head coach.

Ladies of Fashion starve their happiness to feed their vanity, and their love to feed their pride.

It's about ladies, as usual. I'm telling the ladies I got the right temperature to keep them warm.

Hillary Clinton needs the single ladies' vote. I call them 'The Beyonce Voters' - the single ladies.

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