I have found that no exertion of the legs can bring two minds much nearer to one another.

Some men live with an invisible limp, stagger, or drag a leg. Their sons are often angry.

I have big everything on the bottom, but I love my legs. You've got to love what's yours.

And there goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class.

I'm blessed with nice legs, but I see lots of guys with big upper bodies and pencil legs.

I'm not scared of anyone. They have two arms and two legs, and I will do my best and win.

I learned to walk on my own legs, to dive so deeply into a role to forget that Im acting.

Nobody has ever had to go off following one of my tackles and nobody has broken their leg.

If you look at 'The Sopranos,' there's this notion of a criminal element on its last legs.

You've got to take the hems down, especially past 50. I don't care how good your legs are.

It's hard to look too grand when you're led by someone who looks like a pudding with legs.

I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit.

Conversation is the legs on which thought walks; and writing, the wings by which it flies.

I learned to walk on my own legs, to dive so deeply into a role to forget that I'm acting.

I could be two sets, two legs down but I wouldn't think that. I take each leg as it comes.

A girl is grown up when she stops counting on her fingers and starts counting on her legs.

Let's see... I have a thing for pretty legs. But most importantly, I like confident women.

The temptation to vivify the tale and make it walk abroad on its own legs is hard to deny.

Happiness is the twinkle in your grandmother's eye as you reverse the tractor off her legs.

My 'third leg' is longer than my two other legs and that's why I wear such big baggy pants.

From the waist down, Earl Campbell has the biggest legs I have ever seen on a running back.

It's very important with an artificial leg that all high heels are exactly the same height.

I had a horrible feeling my leg was broken. If it wasn’t, it had a lot of explaining to do.

Nothing can so quickly put the masses on their legs as the spinning wheel and all it means.

Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business, so I can profitably sell crutches later.

I am doing better now though one of my legs is shorter than the other due to the operations.

I always felt really lucky that I only lost my legs, because it could've been so much worse.

Photography as a fad is well-nigh on its last legs, thanks principally to the bicycle craze.

Then I got a bad back injury, and they thought I wasn't going to have any feeling in my legs.

They say the first thing to go is your legs, then it's your reflexes, then it's your friends.

When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know its got legs.

Genetically my legs are supposed to be huge. I can't really think about it, or I'll go crazy.

As my Lord says, my Lord's leg is not a side of beef. Thank you, my Lord, for instructing me.

I trip over my legs all the time. I'll wave to somebody, look up, and end up eating pavement.

Big deal... the only cats that don't have three legs are the ones with two through zero legs.

Did you know that Mozart had no arms and no legs? I've seen statues of him on people's pianos.

I just take things one day at a time. I'm just thankful that I have my legs, my arms, my eyes.

I will play for my country until my legs won't allow it or the national coach doesn't call me.

Sequin trousers can be scary and many women may worry they will be unflattering on their legs.

Time is a great conference planning our end, and youth is only the past putting a leg forward.

When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know it's got legs.

I always had long legs. When I was young, I used to think, 'Why do I look like a little pony?'

Legs and athleticism are worth nothing without mental toughness. You also need to be stubborn.

I wear short shorts. After 10 years of strenuous ballet, it's the least my legs can do for me.

I'm just a potato that won't quit. I'm a potato with some legs. Some have eyes, I've got legs.

I can bend over and put my head between my legs, stick my foot over my head, and stand one leg.

I know that if something isn't open down field I can take advantage of my legs and make a play.

I miss him like one might miss a scar, or wooden leg, something disfiguring but characteristic.

Martial art is a form of expression, an expression from your inner self to your hands and legs.

You can tailor garments all you want, but if it doesn't fit in the arms or legs, it never will.

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