I was scared of running off to be a comedian and then having to come back with my tail between my legs.

I've always loved yoga because you get to connect to a deep religious truth while stretching your legs.

The cool things about space is when you put your pants on here, you can put them on two legs at a time.

I like playing in the later stages of games because there is more space when everybody's legs are tired.

When I'm not in a relationship, I shave one leg. That way, when I sleep, it feels like I'm with a woman.

Van Gaal was always very intensive with his tactics. You had to work more with your head than your legs.

but as God said, crossing his legs, I see where I have made plenty of poets but not so very much poetry.

If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be king crab legs, salad and some chicken.

I like to make them wait, then I make them beg. And when I take off my clothes, then I form a third leg.

I'm a giraffe. I even walk like a giraffe with a long neck and legs. It's a pretty dumb animal, mind you.

She raised one leg and gave me all her weight as a I dipped her. She either trusted me or wanted to fall.

A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.

They put me in a whole body suit, from my neck to my ankles. It was so bad, I couldn't straighten my legs.

Even the most beautiful legs - Marlene Dietrich's, for instance - look better when the kneecap is covered.

I put cocoa butter all over my face and my iconic belly and my arms and legs. Why live rough? Live smooth.

I’m quite capable of walking,” she pointed out. It is faster this way. Your legs are short.” They are not!

When you see an early edited version, you're not sure what it is. The movie is getting on its wobbly legs.

The last leg of a bull market always ends in hysteria; the last leg of a bear market always ends in panic.

It is strange how a scrap of poetry works in the mind and makes the legs move in time to it along the road.

In the movie, I deal with the loss of my legs and adjusting and trying to become a new person, essentially.

I lift weights and do as much cardio as I can make myself. I'm not a big cardio fan, and I hate doing legs.

Small jerks began to appear in my legs, my walk became unsteady precisely because I wanted it to be smooth.

The attack did not succeed as well as I had hoped, no small impediment having been the loss of my right leg.

Some high society lady said is your horse outside? No ma'am, he's between my legs, but your too fat to ride.

There's always gonna be some pain, I think, because my body's going to be like, 'Where are your lower legs?'

The stage is life, music, beautiful girls, legs, breasts, not talk or intellectualism or dried-up academics.

If you want to welcome me with open arms, I'm afraid you're also going to have to welcome me with open legs.

Taking off your clothes is one thing. Taking off your clothes and your legs is an entirely different matter.

I'm helping people do things they haven't done since they had two good legs, and that's worth it right there.

Am I an ego on legs? No I am not. Do I want to be seen out there all the time saying everything? No, I don't.

For God's sake, Marks, do you think anyone really wants a glance at those dried-up matchsticks you call legs?

I'm skinny, but a soft skinny. I have strong legs, but my arms are like pea pods with single peas for elbows.

Being 40 and pregnant with my third child, it's no surprise that the cellulite on my legs got out of control.

I think my legs are a strong point, so I try to draw attention to them rather than the upper part of my body.

In school, I would always be uncomfortable because my skirt would expose my thin, chicken legs and wiry hands.

Of, course it always cheers a news editor when a story has what we describe as 'legs' therefore it, erm, runs.

I'm not much of a water skier, my legs are too skinny for that, so I just try to tube and have fun, just ride.

I'm very proud of 'Calvary.' It's been doing well; it has legs. It's no easy ride. It packs a punch, this one.

How lucky my life is that I have two arms, and two legs, and ten fingers with which to make things out of wood.

You saw my leg?" "How can a man help what he sees?" he said. "And, if I could add, you possess a very fine leg.

[On an actor who'd broken her leg in London:] Oh, how terrible. She must have done it sliding down a barrister.

Remember what Anatole France said about the dog masturbating on your leg--'Sure, it's honest, but who needs it?

I can do a really loud monkey call. I can put both my legs behind my back. And I can stick my fist in my mouth.

I definitely don't think of myself as an actual male model. I'm far too short and my legs are far too muscular.

I used to hate my legs. Now I've learned to embrace them. They've allowed to do everything that I am able to do.

When a song gets its legs and begins to come to me, this is the euphoric hook that keeps me wanting to continue.

Visiting Anderson Silva. He's doing AMAZING! Leg is healing fast and will be walking without crutches in 30 days.

The average man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than he is in a woman with beautiful legs.

I don't wear mini-skirts or shorts because I have thread veins on my legs and cellulite, and I won't wear tights.

My dad used to call me 'the human pretzel' because I was able to bend my body, and because my legs are very long.

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