Spread ya legs, arch your back. Go up and down, and make it clap.

How long should a man's legs be? Long enough to touch the ground.

You have arms and legs, but don't know what to do with your lives.

Your legs are not giving out. Your head is giving out. Keep going.

Swollen in head, weak in legs, sharp in tongue but empty in belly.

There should be a left leg and a right leg. And I'll be in between

I won't change my legs. because I'm contented with my long-legged.

It's not a date. I bought my own drink and I didn't shave my legs.

I will not retire while I've still got my legs and my make-up box.

I haven't yet met a woman who told me, 'I wish I had shorter legs.'

A pound of Alaskan king crab legs and buffalo shrimp = happy Travie.

I can't stand my legs, for a start, and you rarely see me in skirts.

...maybe it was better to break a man's leg than to break his heart.

I do loads of squats with weights. It's great for your bum and legs.

I've got a problem with my legs, they just can't walk past a chippy.

If you are flammable and have legs, you are not blocking a fire exit.

It's time to get your head out of the dumps and your legs in the air!

I always went my own road and on my own legs where I had a mind to go

I'm quite happy to be thrown around and hopefully my leg will stay on.

My darling father gave me some decent getaway sticks - my legs are OK.

Luckily, I found CrossFit. I do a lot more legs now - that's for sure.

Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.

We don't move with our legs and arms, but with courage and will power.

People like us who are on their last leg can only understand comedies.

There is nothing healthier for a man than to walk on his own two legs.

All you have to do is open your heart, just like you opened your legs.

There's more to playing the guitar than being able to split your legs.

Athletics is not so much about the legs. It's about the heart and mind.

My legs tightened up pretty much, and it was a hard last corner for me.

Walking strengthens my legs, and I swing my arms to tone my upper body.

You don't have to love me. Just don't leave me," he said against my leg

My mouth was too large, my eyes turned out, and my legs mere toothpicks.

The brain has muscles for thinking as the legs have muscles for walking.

When I was seven, I broke my leg playing soccer. Just to feel something.

Darling, the legs aren't so beautiful, I just know what to do with them.

He (Gil Hodges) fields better on one leg than anybody else I got on two.

Celebrity: I picture myself as a marble bust with legs to run everywhere.

My father had the curved feet, my mother the legs, so I am a bit of both.

Winning is about heart, not just legs. It's got to be in the right place.

The last thing I ever thought would ever happen to me was losing my legs.

I'm forty-nine but I could be twenty-five except for my face and my legs.

A dancer's career is short - you just keep going until your legs pack up.

If he only wants you for your breasts, legs, and thighs, send him to KFC.

I dance as best I can. I try to let the music flow freely through my legs.

The legs and arms can be a revelation of the back, the spine's extensions.

Methinks that the moment my legs began to move, my thoughts began to flow.

I was the kid who was drawing on tables or removing the legs of furniture.

I feel so small I could sit on a dime an' my legs wouldn't even hang over.

To hell with housework, our top priority has always been between our legs.

I would say my legs would be my strength. I think I have the perfect legs.

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