I think the key to being a good parent is to individualize your love for each child.

Laughter's good, but it's not love. It's one aspect. One emotion you're eliciting from your audience.

You need a nutritional love diet. Don't put the junk stuff in your body - it's not going to do you any good.

When you find that person that's your person, you see all the good bits and the bad bits and love them completely anyway.

I love a good burger, and when I was brainstorming pies, I thought, hey - burgers and pies are both perfect for eating out of your hands.

I think a scarf is the most versatile item. On a plane, it's good to wrap around when you're cold or rest your head on it. I love scarves.

It is in your DNA to love a good story. You know, neat tales with heroes and villains and conflicts to resolve. A good story pushes our buttons, is exciting and memorable.

I love eating chocolate cake and ice cream after a show. I almost justify it in my mind as, 'You were a good boy onstage and you did your show, so now you can have some cake and ice cream.'

Look, maybe I'm just not good at multi-tasking and am, therefore, jealous of those of you who can get in a workout while yammering on your cell phone, but for the love of all that is good and pure, shut your yap!

With the juice, I try to put a lot of different kinds of vegetables in there like zucchini, kale and broccoli. It looks scary, but it's so good for your body, and I just love the taste of it. It's so fresh; I love it!

I love making a body scrub with ground-up coffee and coconut oil. It's really good for circulation, and it smells delicious. I also do a DIY Greek-yogurt-and-honey mask that softens your skin and helps reduce puffy eyes.

I love dressing up - it makes me feel good. I think most people get that feeling when they put on a well-tailored suit. It like, boosts your IQ, your confidence, everything. And I think that that needs to come back into the norm more.

Hearing a whole entire room sing back to me, 'I guess it's true I'm not good at a one-night stand,' you know, I just can't explain the feeling. It's unreal. You feel like you've just read your diary to thousands of people and they've gone, 'It's okay. We still love you.'

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