I make a mean coconut macaroon.

I can't live without coconut oil.

I like sweet scents like coconut and vanilla.

Coconut is one of those love-hate ingredients.

I love making Italian food. And coconut chicken.

I don't use coconut enough - in food, on my body.

I was sometimes called 'coconut' when I was at school.

I use products with coconut oil in them all over my skin.

I'll use shea butter to moisturize my skin, or coconut oil.

I ran a 100-mile marathon, and I was powered by coconut water.

Use coconut oil to remove makeup, and do it before going to bed.

I love cakes. Chocolate and coconut cakes. I love that combination!

I like coconut water for electrolytes, and I take tons of supplements.

The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.

I've tried coconut water straight up before, and to me, it's a little funky.

While soy milk is an acquired taste, I prefer almond, cashew and coconut milk.

I enjoy using coconut oil - not only for my skin and hair, but I'll digest it.

In the evening, I use a cleansing oil - coconut oil also works - to remove makeup.

After exercising, I oil my hair regularly with almond, coconut, olive and castor oil.

It's all about salsa with grain chips, tofu, turkey slices, hummus, and coconut water.

Coconut milk is the only thing on this planet that comes identically to mother's milk.

I have fruit juices, cucumber juice and coconut water to cool myself in the hot weather.

You should always read the ingredients in coconut water. It should say 100% coconut water.

I'll admit that I do quite like drinks that come in coconut shells. So there's always that.

I drink a lot of coconut water. It balances out all the other toxic stuff I put into my body.

I happen to love coconut, particularly for that sweet and crunchy texture it adds to any dish.

I'm just taking care of myself: Eating less, exercising more, drinking a lot of coconut water.

I love home cooked Mangalorean food with all our coconut based gravies with different sprouts.

It's one thing to talk the talk; it's another thing to walk after getting whacked with a coconut.

I like to put coconut oil in my hair if it's looking dry. It's so unruly. It has a mind of its own.

Coconut oil. I rub it through my hair, all over my skin, all over my body. Natural's the better way to go.

I grow tomatoes, spinach and melons, a pepper vine climbs my coconut tree. I have a home and kitchen of my own.

Yo, people are saying Tyga had the biggest comeback. Tyga? Tyga! Lime in the coconut Tyga? Yo, get out of here.

I sleep in coconut oil. I just soak in it... in my hair, on my face, on my skin, all over - it's kind of my thing.

In our house, we do everything whole: whole milk and full-fat cheeses. And I use ghee and coconut oil for cooking.

It's a lot of scrubbing of my lips every day. I make my own lip scrubs at home with coffee grinds and coconut oil.

My favorite food is macaroni and cheese that my grandma makes. My favorite drink has to be Vita Coco coconut water.

I love to make scrubs at home. My favorite is a mixture of brown sugar and coconut oil. So simple yet so effective!

With beauty, I just try to get as much sleep as possible. I might have a nice hot bath and moisturise with coconut oil.

I take off my makeup with coconut oil some nights. It sounds like it would clog your pores, but I swear it's saved my skin.

I always make sure to moisturize my hair. I love natural oils, coconut oil. Moisture is one thing you can never go wrong with.

How can I tell if I was born hating coconut or developed a hatred of coconut because my father distrusted it as an ingredient?

I have a coconut oil stick, which I use for everything - on my eye lids to make them shinier, on my lips, and on any dry skin.

Coconut oil is my best friend - I put it all over my body every night. And in the morning, I wash it off so I'm not all greasy.

I seem to go through phases with collecting stuff: vintage Japanese men's magazines, coconut monkey carvings, '70s belt buckles.

I don't really have a beauty routine. I always use coconut oil, and I always wear mascara. That's kind of it! I'm pretty simple.

Coconut water is just the best for you; it's always something we had in Brazil. Since I was a little girl, I've been drinking it.

Use coconut oil; it is one of the best moisturizers. Use it right after the shower on wet skin and then wipe it off with a towel.

I've started using organic coconut oil to remove my makeup! It removes eye makeup so well and leaves it feeling hydrated and nourished!

Natural beauty products are a must! I use coconut oil-based RMS makeup, and I slather almond oil on my hands to soak while I watch a movie.

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