My first job was at a Burger King.

I eat at In-N-Out Burger every chance I get.

I always want to find the best burger in town.

We all need to make time for a burger once in a while.

A burger is a black dress; a kebab is a Met Gala gown.

If I crave a burger, I'm like, 'Straight to In-N-Out.'

I'm normally a burger and chips girl - such a cheap date.

I enjoy the burger joint the same way I enjoy fancy meals.

My mom works in funerals, and my dad works at Burger King.

I am a burger guy, but actually I'm more of a Mexican food guy.

Everyone likes a burger now and then, and that's absolutely fine.

When people pile seven things onto one burger, it drives me nuts!

I always say, 'Eat clean to stay fit; have a burger to stay sane.'

I've never been a Burger King person. I'm a total McDonald's person.

I still eat a burger at a counter with ketchup dripping down my face.

I don't know if you call a burger 'recession food.' It's comfort food.

In my 20s, I mostly ate burritos and nachos, with the occasional burger.

Food rules. Little rivals the pleasure of tearing into a glistening burger.

You can't record an album called 'Meat Is Murder' and slip out for a burger.

I hate eating vegetables. The only vegetables I eat are lettuce on a burger.

I'm a chicken and fish guy, but I throw a burger in once, maybe twice a week.

I love a burger and fries, but it's not what I crave. I love to eat healthily.

I love mayonnaise, but mustard is a must when you're doing the Impossible Burger.

I love the smell of Burger King when I ride past, but sometimes I have to avoid it.

My last two years of high school, I think I went to Burger King every day for lunch.

Oh, I love a good burger, I really do. With chips and a beer and ice cream afterwards.

I would love to eat a really great burger, but it doesn't exist in our part of the world.

The true cost to the world of a burger is far greater than the money you hand over to buy it.

You can find your way across this country using burger joints the way a navigator uses stars.

My standard Nando's order is a chicken breast burger served 'medium,' which is still fairly spicy.

I'm a big hiker, and I like boxing. I mean, I love a good burger, but I keep things in moderation.

There are some people who are Burger King people, and there are some people who are McDonald's people.

I enjoy healthy foods but I'm not scared to have a cheat meal or cheat day, have a burger or whatever.

The best food is in Chicago. There are great restaurants everywhere, from fancy places to burger joints.

I love mayonnaise. Every birthday when I was a kid I'd go to Black Angus and just dip my burger in mayo.

The rich, hearty flavor of portobello mushroom caps are a dynamite alternative to the traditional burger.

But once in a while you might see me at In and Out Burger; they make the best fast food hamburgers around.

I would rather be having a burger and beers with my mates but I can't do that when I know I've got to dance.

Soon after I returned to private practice, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger called me one day.

I've discovered the burger is a crazy thing in Vegas, but I was one of the early chefs to do a lot of burgers.

The first year I lived in New York, I tried a different burger every week to find my favorite burger in New York.

For me, the best burger buns are made from an enriched dough, soft and absorbent enough to soak up all the juices.

Believe it or not, I've got a really bad metabolism. One burger and I'm done. I'm not a guy that puts away 10 burgers.

You don't really have to say much when your headline is 'Drag Queen Robs Burger King.' Sometimes comedy writes itself.

I love to exercise. I'm a big hiker, and I like boxing. I mean, I love a good burger, but I keep things in moderation.

England is so black and white, so plain, like a burger with nothing on it. No salad, nothing. That's why it's so real.

When I founded the first Hard Rock, no one was serving American food in London; McDonald's wasn't there, Burger King, etc.

You've gotta realize this - you could be working at Burger King or working for the biggest wrestling company in the world.

Burger King's business model was broken. But it was like sex in the '50s. Everyone knew it, but no one would talk about it.

I give myself a cheat day where I annihilate my diet. I'm an all-American girl, so I go for a burger and fries and a shake.

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