The young men, they look to me for a story they can get nowhere else, a challenging risky story.

The men I worked for didn't look at me as having any gender at all. They regarded me more as a workhorse.

Now from a distance, I look back on what the Corps taught me: to think like men of action, and to act like men of thought!

I draw hundreds and hundreds of pictures of sort of gnarly looking men, so I don't know what that tells you. People who look like... they're waiting for a sandwich that's never going to come. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I know people aren't sure about men who look like I do. People don't see the beard as a bit of hair. I've been shouted at, called some horrible names, and when I first came to Worcester I noticed people crossing the road to avoid me.

It is an honor for me to accept the position of men's artistic director for Louis Vuitton. I find the heritage and creative integrity of the house are key inspirations and will look to reference them both while drawing parallels to modern times.

I think one of the problems that comics has in dealing with superheroines is that they try to hard to make them superheroes. All they're doing is the same thing that men do. Just the idea that they're no different than men, except in how they look, always seemed a bit off to me.

I like a really natural looking body, so I'm not into muscles and looking like you just did 1,000 pull-ups and sit-ups and like you only eat lean turkey. That's not for me. I just like people to look like people, and so I think it's really attractive when men don't have perfect bodies.

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