Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to ...

Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to read Playboy magazine with your wife turning the pages.

I would never do 'Playboy.'

I am seriously considering it.

Apart from if Playboy come calling.

I don't believe I have a playboy life.

The beat generation (coined in Playboy)

Maybe I could be the playboy of snooker.

In real life, I am nothing like a playboy.

I consider Playboy very wholesome, frankly.

Other guys read Playboy. I read annual reports.

In my heart, I will always love Hef and Playboy.

I moved into the Playboy Mansion at 18 years old.

My best pick-up line is "My name is Hugh Hefner."

Playboy's all about why it's worth working so hard.

The power of Playboy is its appeal around the world.

I don't want to be on the cover of Playboy or Vogue.

I was never a playboy but I was an out and about boy.

Guilt is the reason they put the articles in Playboy.

Loneliness doesn't have much to do with where you are.

I've always liked Playboy; I think it's very tasteful.

Some, but much of my money is tied up in Playboy stock.

I get has been great. It has opened so many doors for me.

Admitted to Playboy in 1993 that he smoked marijuana twice.

I didn't want to be known as Madonna's playboy, her boy toy.

I almost got kicked out of eighth grade for selling 'Playboy.'

I would read Playboy more often, but my glasses keep steaming up.

I've actually been turned down for jobs because I was in Playboy.

Michael Jackson asked me to sign a Playboy. I was more than happy to.

A woman reading Playboy feels a little like a Jew reading a Nazi manual.

They're cheering a young lad, the champion playboy of the Western World.

I wouldn't mind doing Playboy again. But only if I had creative control.

I have the whole costume from Playboy's sixtieth-anniversary cover shoot.

Barry Hearn has said there's no time for playboys, but I'm not a playboy.

I'd guess that 80 percent of the people who work for Playboy are feminists.

If you let society and your peers define who you are, you're the less for it.

I'd do a really tasteful Playboy shoot, but I'd want at least 700,000 for it.

I don't think 'Playboy' would have been successfully started on either coast.

But 'Playboy' was liberating. I was drawn to it and went for it full throttle.

When I was younger, I was like, 'I want to be on Playboy.' My mum was a Playmate.

The Playboy Calendar this year has some tiptop models. Any more top and they'd tip.

The 'Playboy' affiliation will probably stick for the rest of my life to some extent.

It pleased the public to think I lived the easy, carefree life - the playboy of golf.

I believed deeply that digital was an empowering opportunity for Playboy, not a threat.

To get over my divorce, I got a prescription to live at the Playboy Mansion for a while.

I never read Playboy before I started working there and stopped reading it the day I quit.

What I really love about the Playboy bunny outfit, is it's all about a woman's silhouette.

Once Playboy came to me, all the preachers ran. I needed to pose in Playboy to make money.

I didn't want to be the girl who posed in 'Playboy' and then - by the way - made some music.

My Twitter account status used to say 'part-time playboy' on it, but I've taken that down now.

Playboy offered me a lot to do their mag but I'm not even the sort to go topless on the beach.

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