Rarely do I try to pull a creature out of life and make it a character.

You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him to a heavy load.

Be sure you positively identify your target before you pull the trigger.

I think God's going to come down and pull civilization over for speeding.

A magician pulls a rabbit from a hat, and actors pull truth from fiction.

Every time I pull on a Madrid or Wales top, I run myself into the ground.

When American citizens pull together, there is little we can't accomplish.

I'm not a bling-bling guy; I can't pull it off. I just look like an idiot.

You gotta improvise in life. You gotta improv if the police pull you over.

A splash of red wine vinegar can pull things together like a pinch of salt.

I can't pull back. I'm 6 foot 3, I'm tall, and I'm gay. I light up the room.

Cute accessories always help bring out your outfit and pull it all together.

Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings.

I'm always keen to head to where the greatest gravitation pull is tugging me.

Electing a black president was probably the only coup America could pull off.

If we worked together, we could pull this country out of every mess it is in.

It's hard for the same people who put you in the ditch to pull you out of it.

But you come to a point in your life when you can't pull the trigger anymore.

Yes, it's my real name. I had to pull out my passport twice today to prove it.

A few months post-baby is not the easiest time to pull out your best yoga poses.

We have our roots in country, and that's our foundation, but we pull from a lot.

It was about 5 years after I was baptized before the pull of sin finally stopped.

I'm a big believer in pushing things too far and forcing people to pull you back.

Next in importance to having a good aim is to recognize when to pull the trigger.

I like when they open the door and pull out a chair. I'm really into a man's man.

Secretly, I wanted to look like Jimi Hendrix, but I could never quite pull it off.

It's been fun. I've had a lucky life. Art has made me pull the best out of myself.

If you have skills to pull off even a four-hour film, people will go and watch it.

I'm like an old vaudeville act. They'll have to pull me off the stage with a hook.

When I pull my hair back in a ponytail, that's how you know I'm having a hard day.

I think you can ban guns if you can just pull the trigger and 60 bullets fire out.

This is a bad day for Boston, but I think if we pull together we'll get through it.

If you're presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.

Anyone can make anyone else look bad if they really want to pull things apart enough.

My sense of humor is a turkey, and I pull it out of the oven and baste it in reality.

I admire any woman who does stand-up, but frankly I'd rather pull out my own eyelids.

Boyapati is one of the few directors who can pull off a masala film like 'Sarrainodu'.

I've proven I can hang in there, go through adversity, and pull tricks out of the bag.

I would never do another sitcom. It was so boring I wanted to pull my fingernails off.

Black holes destroy any objects that happen to fall victim to their gravitational pull.

During the day I pull on jeans and ballet flats; but I do love getting dressed up, too.

It's weird: I don't really know where I pull my inspiration from. I think it's N.E.R.D.

I love Sia and how she hides her face. If I could pull off doing that, I totally would.

Bieber has taste and pull, which is as important to making quality pop as actual talent.

I have a dog. He needs to be walked, and I love running, so I pull out my running shoes.

I love a bit of glamour - who doesn't? - but I probably wouldn't be able to pull it off.

We can and must turn this around. If you're going to kill someone just pull the trigger.

There are actors who can pull of a writer's lines; I am not competent enough to do that.

I always try to have a fun nail. It's something whimsical that you can pull off anytime.

In the end, you have to just pull the trigger. Trust the car, trust the brakes, just go.

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