I was always attracted and repelled by the idea of being a writer.

I was as repelled by the French as I was attracted by their country.

I've been simultaneously drawn to and repelled from Hollywood for years.

The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.

Many people believe that they are attracted by God, or by Nature, when they are only repelled by man.

The whole celebrity culture thing - I'm fascinated by, and repelled by, and yet I end up knowing about it.

Culturally, there is often the expectation that women should be repelled by anything too ugly, too violent.

The men who really get repelled by what you're wearing are a little shallow, and you probably don't want to date them anyway.

I'm drawn to the taboos that surround the human body. I find it fascinating that we are repelled by many of the acts and processes that keep us alive.

I certainly don't follow fashion. I think fashion, as far as the industry and the whole world that surrounds it, is quite vile, and I'm repelled by it.

It is a blessing to have pretty people around me. I like people who are sparky, positive. Evil, dark people are repelled by me: 'Oooh no! Too much sunlight.'

We have all said things that are offensive when taken out of context. You don't need to tell the public to be repelled. They will tell you they are repelled.

I guess I'm attracted and repelled by isolation. It scares me. And it's why I tend to write about older characters, too, because for them the stakes are somewhat higher.

Punk rock, to me, was always outsiderness. When I first saw large-group-scene punk rock, I was repelled by it, because there were way too many people who agreed with each other.

For a long time, I felt instinctively irritated - sometimes repelled - by scientific friends' automatic use of the word 'mechanism' for automatic bodily processes. A machine was man-made; it was not a sentient being; a man was not a machine.

Now they're attracted to one another, but repelled by their ethnic origins, so that there was something to overcome. They had to overcome their own prejudices, which had been imposed by the culture - their own shame at being Mexican and Italian.

There is a difference between myself and some of the peace people in Europe: whereas they think that the ultimate evil in the world is war, I think the ultimate evil in the world is aggression, and aggression sometimes must be repelled by force.

The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.

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