Universal suffrage is counter-revolution.

I see only adaptations - not revolutions.

Clemency is also a revolutionary measure.

He who serves a revolution ploughs a sea.

America is ripe for a service revolution.

No revolution succeeds without sacrifice.

A revolution in itself is not a blessing.

The wind of revolutions is not tractable.

All revolutions in history have obstacles.

The world needs a revolution led by women.

Revolution is not an event! It's a process

The worst of revolutions is a restoration.

Good fashion is evolution, not revolution.

In politics experiments means revolutions.

There's no cultural revolution by mistake.

All revolutions devour their own children.

No revolution can be made with silk gloves.

Education is the motor-force of revolution.

Giving yourself is the ultimate revolution.

It takes a revolution, to create a solution

The revolution doesn't always look perfect.

It takes a community to start a revolution.

Revolutions are the locomotives of history.

When is revolution legal? When it succeeds!

Revolutions are not made by fate but by men.

The backseat produced the sexual revolution.

Give me time and I'll give you a revolution.

Revolution is the festival of the oppressed.

It's the occasion that makes the revolution.

The Reagan Revolution has had no second act.

Orgasms are nice, but revolutions are better.

Revolution begins with the self, in the self.

Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals.

You cannot make a revolution in white gloves.

Revolution Is the affair of logical lunatics.

The revolution is really easy to do nowadays.

I fear we may live to see another revolution.

Adam Johnson was a revolution when he came on

You don't pick your revolution. It picks you.

Free markets are the real people's revolution.

There is no chance of a revolution in Georgia.

You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves.

Our Revolution was born and raised in taverns.

Talk of revolution is one of avoiding reality.

Revolution begins in putting on bright colors.

There is no substitute for a militant freedom.

Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!

There never was a good war or a bad revolution.

The real revolution is the revolution of values

Pick a movement, pick a revolution and join it.

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