In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, ...

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.

Moms rock!

Rock on out.

I love rock women.

Rock music is niche.

I do love my rock music.

Being a rock star rocks.

Rock n' roll's not dead.

I'm a rock and roll singer.

Everyone has a rock bottom.

Turn on, tune up, rock out.

Rosa Parks is rock and roll.

My mom is definitely my rock.

Rock and roll is here to stay.

You can't buy being a rock star.

Rock n' roll is like a religion.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll.

My mom was the rock of our family.

Rock n' roll is the Devil's music.

To rock isn't necessarily to cavort.

Rock music is not meant to be perfect.

Crime fiction is the new rock n' roll.

Rock and roll was a revelation for me.

Rock groups - they last for a long time.

Rock n' roll was a kid when I was a kid.

Rock 'n' roll music is what gets me off.

Kids like classic rock, and so do adults.

I am a hip-hop fanatic, and rock fanatic.

I'm not so rock and roll. I'm more techno.

I think everybody wants to be a rock star.

I'd rather be a musician than a rock star.

Good rock music always tends to be around.

I usually listen to classic rock and roll.

I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend.

Rock and Roll: Music for the neck downwards.

Forget acting. It's all about rock 'n' roll.

'Rock Or Bust' is a thing we've always done.

Fifty per cent of rock is having a good time.

I'm kind of the Forrest Gump of rock n' roll.

I played ball at Miami. The Rock was with us.

To me, rock and roll is not a perfect science.

Fall Out Boy used to be my favorite rock band.

Rock n' roll is dream soup, what's your brand?

I have rock 'n' roll pumping through my veins.

My vibe is a bit boyish: rock shirts, trousers.

I refuse to age disgracefully in rock 'n' roll.

I consider myself an alumnus of Hard Rock Cafe.

If you're in a rock band, you're never too tame.

Detroit: Cars and rock 'n' roll. Not a bad combo.

I slalom ski. I wakeboard. I hike and rock climb.

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