Iron sharpens iron; scholar, the scholar.

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Solitude sharpens awareness of small pleasures otherwise lost.

The flame of anger, bright and brief, sharpens the barb of love.

Math is like going to the gym for your brain. It sharpens your mind.

A man of letters never objects to a slum. He sharpens his pen there.

An actual scientist embraces debate because it sharpens their research.

Iron sharpens iron, and that's one man getting another guy ready to play.

As the class struggle sharpens in the U.S. Marxism will come into its own as a great popular study.

As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.

He that struggles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.

One must dig deeply into opposing points of view in order to know whether your own position remains defensible. Iron sharpens iron.

The journalistic vision sharpens to the point of maximum impact every event, every individual and social configuration; but the honing is uniform.

You're not human if you don't feel fear. But I've learnt to treat fear as an emotion that sharpens me. It's there to give me that edge for what I have to do.

I want to thank all of my opponents. Iron sharpens iron, and every great victory or crushing defeat occurred because there was someone who trained hard and had the courage to meet me across the cage.

I was trained within a black radical tradition that encouraged struggle within our own movements because it sharpens collective analysis - bringing us closer to the tools we need to achieve liberation.

Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It's like the ultimate rest. It's better than the best sleep you've ever had. It's a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.

I've always been fascinated with adrenaline; it's saved my life more than once, and it's caused me to need it to save my life more than once. One of the most fascinating responses in human evolution, adrenaline sharpens your brain; it sharpens your responses.

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