David knew everyone because he's such a social butterfly.

I don't care as much about politics as about social service.

Social service has always been my priority, and I want to help the poor.

I am able to do social service only because of the name I gained from acting.

Modern Kerala is a product of the selfless social service of great visionaries.

Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to the country and to mankind is to bring up a family.

Both my parents were actors. I was schooled to think that acting was an important social service, that it was something that human beings need.

I feel that business leaders with their ability to create businesses, with their ability to scale, need to play an important role in social service.

But do not understand me as saying, or for one moment suggesting, that women legislators should confine themselves to doing only social service work. Not at all.

I do a lot of social service and I don't boast about it. I believe that if you give with one hand, the other hand shouldn't know of it. I don't believe in cheap publicity.

You happily give Facebook terabytes of structured data about yourself, content with the implicit tradeoff that Facebook is going to give you a social service that makes your life better.

Religion was nearly dead because there was no longer real belief in future life; but something was struggling to take its place - service - social service - the ants creed, the bees creed.

The logic is that when you provide schools or any social service to people, they have no choice. They have to take what you give them, because they don't have the money to pay for schools themselves; that's why you provide schools in the first place.

Governments allocate enormous resources for social programs. And it is true that for many years we have had one of the best social service systems in the world. Yet we are still incapable of meeting the needs of tens of thousands of Canadian families.

The big winners under the American fiscal system are the rich, who pay some of the lowest taxes anywhere in the world; the old, who are the main beneficiaries of the American social service state; farmers, rural people. These are Republican constituencies.

There were instances when I felt cheated because my feeling of social service was neither acknowledged or reciprocated by the second party. It is with growing age and experience that I realised, I was doing it for myself and not for others. Hence, I found my happiness and satisfaction in it.

There are many women who are getting the opportunity to play fantastic parts on the web like Huma Qureshi in 'Leila,' Shefali Shah in 'Delhi Crime' and so many others. It gives opportunity to those who are not getting the work that they desire to do because of their age. So web is doing a social service.

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