I don't like piano solos.

I cannot exist as a solo artist.

I've always toured solo acoustic.

And I've always loved playing solo.

Flourishing is not a solo endeavor.

I never wanted to be a solo artist.

In the '90s, guitar solos were dead.

I would say Hope Solo is competitive.

I wouldn't want to do a solo project.

Having a solo career is a funny thing.

Doing the stereotypical solo bores me.

I wish I started out as a solo artist.

I love a spontaneous solo dance party.

You don't make solo albums to have hits.

My music has always been my solo project.

I wouldn't last 30 minutes climbing solo.

I'm not going to do any more solo touring.

Traveling solo makes you more responsible.

Know that I'm better solo. I invented solo.

I'm a solo skater; the sport can be lonely.

No, I do it all, but I do love to play solo.

It's a huge responsibility being a solo act.

My first solo was in church when I was five.

The solo is a nuanced distillation of sorrow.

My favorite songwriters are all solo artists.

Life is a collaboration, it's not a solo act.

My solo shows require a sit-down, indoor space.

I didn't make a solo album until the year 2000.

I think I'll continue to work as a solo artist.

I'll never play a drum solo you can't dance to.

I want to show who CL is on my first solo album.

In my experience, there's no such thing as luck.

I really wasn't planning on being a solo artist.

On Ain't No Telling I came up with the bass solo.

I'll play with a hundred pieces or do a solo job.

Learning isn't something you should only do solo.

I could see us doing solo material in the future.

I've never had any big ideas about being the solo.

I never had this idea, 'I wanna be a solo artist.'

I don't wanna be a solo artist. I wanna be in Styx.

Taking a solo on a tune is always a little bit scary.

The drums can get pretty boring as a solo instrument.

The good thing about flying solo is it's never boring.

I try to make my flow sound like a John Coltrane solo.

Stand-up is probably the most solo performance in art.

People sort of know me for that solo piano music I did.

I've always wanted to be in concert and do a solo show.

I think I wanted my solo debut to be very unpredictable.

My solo series, in some ways, have been rarely truly solo.

I was still in school after I dropped my first solo album.

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