I barely speak Spanish.

I love the Spanish language.

Spanish is my first language.

I consider myself half Spanish.

I'm trying to work on my Spanish.

I actually speak Spanish fluently.

I would love to do film in Spanish.

I parle Francais like a Spanish cow.

How do I speak Spanish? Not too well.

I taught high school students Spanish.

I learned Spanish in five or six months.

Finally a Spanish girl can play on grass.

I learned French before I learned Spanish.

I'm bilingual. I speak English and Spanish.

All Italians speak Spanish without studying.

I understand Spanish better than I speak it.

I love English, Spanish, and German football.

I think in French, but I get angry in Spanish.

I speak Vietnamese and conversational Spanish.

Speaking Spanish isn't a benefit in Hollywood.

Spanish is such an important language globally.

I definitely want to teach my daughter Spanish.

I've always said that I love the Spanish league.

I'm often mistaken for Spanish or Latin descent.

I have watched and coached in the Spanish League.

I read the greens in Spanish, but putt in English.

I am the only British writer who writes in Spanish.

I don't speak fluent Spanish. I took it in college.

When a Spanish man cries it's not a sign of weakness.

I love listening to pop songs in Spanish and Italian.

Spanish League is very tough, especially away matches.

I would absolutely be down to do something in Spanish.

The Spanish and the English leagues are the strongest.

I speak to the Spanish players that we have in Spanish.

All Spanish players want to play for the national team.

The telling room is, in Spanish, known as 'el contador.'

Well, you know, for me, I think Spanish food is festive.

I really like the Spanish league and find it attractive.

I speak some French, Spanish, a little German and Gaelic.

I don't speak Filipino or Spanish, but I've sung in both.

I'm learning Spanish - I got Rosetta Stone for Christmas.

When my blood pressure goes up, my Spanish stuff kicks in.

I played the Spanish guitar for eight years, like flamenco.

I want to speak Spanish fluently; that's on my bucket list.

I could have had Spanish nationality, and I didn't take it.

I grew up Spanish, so I grew up watching a lot of novellas.

I would love to make a really cool Spanish song, definitely.

My thoughts, my feelings, my spirit, they are all in Spanish.

Everything that is really Mexican is either Aztec or Spanish.

I'd say that Spanish football is probably the best I've seen.

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