Ground control to Major Tom.

Tom Jones is like igloo-cool.

Tom Carnegie will never be replaced.

Where Jack isn't safe, Tom's in danger.

I'm certainly not Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.

Tom Cruise, he's a lot more famous than me.

If it comes from Tom Hauser, it's the truth.

I won't rest until Tom Chaney's barking in hell.

I don't really have aspirations to be Tom Hanks.

A stunner…reminds me of Tom Clancy at his finest.

I'm just a guy who wears TOMS. It's the sad truth.

It was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us.

Now, after divorce with Tom Cruise, I can wear heels.

Scientists are peeping toms at the keyhole of eternity.

Sandler's always good. Tom Hanks gave me some good advice.

I love all of his movies. I love all his movies. I love Tom.

Jas, whatever Tom has under his trousers is between you and him.

TOMS is no longer a shoe company... we're a one-for-one company.

Tom always did anger well. Hid it well, but showed it even better

The Great Gatsby' [...] was my 'Tom Sawyer' when I was twelve [....]

I wish I was as cocksure of anything as Tom Macaulay is of everything.

There's a lot of people who don't like Tom Brady and I'm OK with that.

While everyone else is in the spa, im gonna shower because im Tom Daley

One of the nicest things about NBC is that Tom Brokaw is not Dan Rather.

I was never the best-looking guy; I was never the Tom Cruise-looking guy.

I never feel more confident and comfortable than when I'm wearing a Tom Ford suit.

I always carry a Tom Ford lipstick and Tachta face blotters to get me through the day.

I can go from wearing Jordans and Toms to platforms and heels; it just depends on my mood.

One cannot underestimate how widely admired Tom Daschle is in Washington for his integrity.

Authors are sometimes like tomcats: They distrust all the other toms but they are kind to kittens.

With TOMS, I found a way to create sustainable giving and consistently help those who are in need.

Obviously, I’m kind of loyal to Tom [Welling] because that’s who I work with so to me he’s my Superman.

When you're buying a pair of TOMS, if you don't feel like you're part of a community, then I've failed.

When I got the job, I was sure that I wasn't going to get the job because Tom Cruise almost got the job.

We've become a race of Peeping Toms. What people oughta do is get outside their own house and look in for a change.

The guy I've never worked with that is pissing me off is Tom Hanks. I want to work with Tom Hanks more than anyone.

Writers vary tremendously. Was it Tom Wolfe who stood up or was it [Ernest] Hemingway who had to stand up? I don't know.

I would never want to take TOMS or myself into an issues debate. That's not what we're about. We're about helping people.

I learned everything about love, watching 'Splash.' That's why I'm still single, so thanks Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah for that.

Tom: If you love with kindness, even when you can't love with permanence, you'll deserve the one who's worthy along that path for you.

The quad toms are a completely different animal than the standard drum set/trap kit. Playing wise and stylistically, they are two different beasts.

The future of TOMS is really creating a whole new business model of this one-for-one giving and expanding the TOMS model from shoes into other products as well.

You know, you hear people talk about soul mates? That one person that you see, and that's it for you? Well, TOMS is the business equivalent of a soul mate for me.

For live you need a microphone for the snare and the high hat, the kick drum, a nice stereo overhead and one for the toms - you can get away with using four mikes.

There are more than enough people with serious mental issues who really do need professional help without all the other Toms, Dicks and Harriets rushing to the therapist's couch.

I can honestly say that TOMS is my future. I mean I have no desire to start any other company for as long as I live because this is the perfect blend of business and philanthropy to me.

I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share everything that we've learned from TOMS, so that others can learn from both our mistakes and the counterintuitive principles that have guided our success.

Put Mickelson and Toms out there. You know, they had the morning off. They rested. Knowing them and the competitors that they are, they are probably a little angry that they weren't out there in the morning.

I can't imagine what it's like to go through life without shoes to protect your feet, and yet millions of kids do it. That's why TOMS is such an incredible company - it gives shoes to children who need them!

Walk away from anyone who is unduly focused on vacation and compensation. It's a sign of potential trouble. No matter how talented you are, if you don't really want to work at TOMS, you'll never work out here.

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