There is little in life so reassuring as a genuine welcome.

Those who welcome death have only tried it from the ears up.

When the life is monotonous , even grief is a welcome event.

I love Hyderabad. People here always given me a warm welcome.

Welcome every experience the looms of fate may weave for you.

What's great about our leadership is they welcome other ideas.

It is dismal coming home, when there is nobody to welcome one!

I live in a world all my own, but visitors are always welcome.

Being patient means to welcome wholeheartedly whatever arises.

Novelty is always welcome but talking pictures are just a fad.

Thinkers are not a welcome addition to most social situations.

Of course, I'd welcome protest. Good criticism is hard to find.

If you want to be Jewish, welcome, but convert via the Halacha.

Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.

Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender.

Everyone is welcome in drag. Everyone is important and valuable.

A tuna steak and a salad? Seventy bucks. Welcome to Los Angeles.

Advice is seldom welcome. Those who need it most, like it least.

No one is perfect, and criticism is always welcome and expected.

It seemed to him a very Edinburgh thing. Welcoming, but not very.

Welcome to New York, where everybody's a stranger, and nobody is.

The thing about Broadway, they always welcome you with open arms.

Everybody that's come to Memphis has been welcome with open arms.

When Corbyn was elected, I found there was a lot to welcome there.

I just welcome all the support. And take all the help you can get.

Welcome to adulthood," she said. "It sucks as much as high school.

He who dethrones the idea of law, bids chaos welcome in its stead.

We welcome Chinese investment in the United States with open arms.

We are not going to welcome any more people. Stop - we are full up!

Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!

African people worldwide are known to be welcoming and open-minded.

Welcome to post-racial America. I'm the face of post-racial America.

The most welcome and painful moments of the life is within marriage.

Capital goes where it is welcome and stays where it is well treated.

I welcome nonviolent protests as an exercise of our great democracy.

I am for an immigration policy that's welcoming and upholds the law.

Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else.

And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.

Brevity never fatigues; therefore, brevity is always a welcome guest.

We welcome, we welcome this good cooperation between Russia and NATO.

All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise.

Good evening, America. I'm a woman, and welcome to The Late Late Show.

Flexibility requires an open mind and a welcoming of new alternatives.

If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.

Affirmations don't make something happen; they make something welcome.

Welcome anything that comes to you, but do not long for anything else.

Welcome to the Academy Awards, or, as it's known at my house, Passover.

I think Australia has to be a country which has the 'Welcome' sign out.

Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can't wait for you to get to know her/me.

I was busy welcoming a new experience. I had never done a movie before.

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