Middle age is youth without levity, and age without decay.

Youth is incredible because you really do feel invincible.

I think being in love with life is a key to eternal youth.

Experiences from our youth shape what we do later in life.

In general confusion youth recognizes itself and rejoices.

Those who have the youth on their side control the future.

I do feel I have a responsibility to the youths. For real.

Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.

Middle age went by while I was mourning for my lost youth.

The vices of youth now exceed my powers, but not my fancy.

I hope I've been a good example to the youth of the church.

Youth is the future smiling at a stranger, which is itself.

Youth take responsibility for your own spiritual well being

What you desire when young, you have in abundance when old.

Youth is counted sweetest by those who are no longer young.

Fixed principles of truth are the only safeguard for youth.

Youth sees too far to see how near it is To seeing farther.

The youth of France do not want a new neo-liberal contract.

So tutor youth that the sins of age be not imputed to thee.

Young people ought not to be idle, it is very bad for them.

There is madness in youth, but sometimes a god inspires it.

To be famous when you are young is the fortune of the gods.

My youth is escaping without giving me anything it owes me.

The youth of France do not want a new neo-liberal contract.

I give thanks for ever increasing health, youth and beauty.

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.

Youth is the time of life lived for some imaginary audience.

Fear is for the old. Lack of it is one of the joys of youth.

My young friend supposes his ingenuousness is merely a ruse.

He has existed only, not lived, who lacks wisdom in old age.

I remember being so young I thought all artists were famous.

When duty whispers low, Thou must, The youth replies, I can.

Youth is really in your attitude, not in what you look like.

I went to an all-girls boarding school for most of my youth.

The young never take anything seriously if it sounds simple.

Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.

youth is always sure that change must mean something better.

I enjoy listening to the albums of my youth as much as ever.

Africans, we hold on to our youths and whip them into shape.

Youth is the opportunity to do something and to be somebody.

silence is very moving to youth, for who knows what it hides?

One of my dreams in life is to do fund-raising for the youth.

Yes, of course we were pretentious -- what else is youth for?

It must be wonderful to be seventeen, and to know everything.

Age has been the perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth.

Saint John Paul II, pray for us and especially for our youth.

Young people recognize the big challenges that are coming up.

Equality should be the chief basis of the education of youth.

Youth is a continual intoxication; it is the fever of reason.

Bodybuilding is the closest we have to the fountain of youth.

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