I've won a lot of trophies - like the FA Youth Cup and the reserves league a couple of times - but it would top it off to win the Premier League with the first team.

It definitely gives us a lot of confidence to be playing for Manchester United as a youngster, and, as long as you keep working, you are always going to get your chance.

Ryan Giggs pretty much won everything there is to win in the game. He made over 900 appearances for the club and always stayed loyal to Manchester United, which is really impressive.

I think, when I was younger and I was on loan, I used to get nervous before games, but as you get older, you adapt to it, and it becomes second nature to walk out onto the pitch and perform.

It's always good to have great players around you. You have to battle for your place, and it makes you more hungry on the training pitch, and you know, when you get your chance, you have to take it.

Paul Scholes was the main figure for me growing up. His attitude, he's humble off the pitch - you didn't hear much about him - but on the pitch, he was loud, aggressive, liked to tackle, and I learned off him.

Man United is a club where we always want to win and be first. If second is the spot we have to take, then we'll take it as long as we're up there and winning games. But our main priority is to be first all the time.

For Birmingham, I scored four on my debut. It's not bad. First one was a tap-in; it set me up nice for the day, and I think I got a hat-trick in 13 minutes. So obviously I was cruising, then got one in the second half and came off!

I moved when I was about 12 years old: different school, had to live in digs. It was harder for my family, but eventually, they understood it was a path that Manchester United had made for me. I had to stick to it, and it has paid off.

Sometimes games may not go the way you plan it, and sometimes you have to do the dirty, gritty stuff well - you have to tackle; you have to run. I learned that when I was young, and it is a good feeling to work hard for the team, to get the ball back.

I first realised I was good at football when I started getting scouted by United, Liverpool, Everton; clubs like that had a lot of interest at an early age, and you kind of know then you're on the right path. I was about six years old and had to sign a contract at nine.

I was at a local club, Penketh United, and Mike Glennie, a Manchester United scout, came to watch me. He spoke to my grandad and offered me trials, but there was also interest from Liverpool, and I had to pick - I was only young, but obviously my heart was with United at the time.

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