Fame is not the worst thing. I went to dinner the other night, and the girls in the restaurant ignored me. It was so annoying.

When you grow up in the [film] industry, the director is your father. You follow your father's lead, but you make your own way.

My dad's probably one of the kindest people in the world. When I was younger that's not how I was- I was a little spoiled brat.

Yes, I can play younger than my age. But I can play characters older than I am, too. I'm not an actor who can just play the kid.

I don't think there's a specific science you can put on dream psychology. I think that it's up to the, obviously, the individual.

I have a production company,; I have a foundation. I have a lot of responsibilities. Not family - just a lot of responsibilities.

I didn't know what types of movies I wanted to do. I want to do things that are different. I want to take my time with each role.

I've never known a situation in my career where a terrible script turned into a movie that was out of this world or was a success.

I was always the kid in school who tried to get attention, not necessarily the class clown, but I'd do little unexpected performances.

The Gatsby that I remember reading when I was 15 years old in junior high school was far different from the Gatsby I read as an adult.

Mother Earth is hurting. And she needs a generation of thoughtful, caring and active kids like all of you to protect her for the future.

I was a bit of a loudmouth, and I was in an environment where the elements aligned to have kids smack the hell outta me once in a while.

What I would do in order to be popular was, I'd put myself on line and joke around and be funny, and I was always known as the crazy kid.

As we progress into the twenty-first century, anyone who considers themselves a realist will have to make the environment a top priority.

I've been planted here to be a vessel for acting... That's why I'm really taking any part, regardless of how complicated it's going to be.

I have never been a fashionista or someone who puts a lot of thought into what I wear, and I dress to be as comfortable as I possibly can.

I didn't even know what I did in 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'. I just went off with whatever I felt instinctually without a second thought.

Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me. I don't know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I'm a weirdo.

Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don't know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I'm a weirdo.

We are facing a tipping point of environmental crisis unprecedented in human history and our very survival is dependent on protecting nature.

When I can't immediately define the character, and there's an element of mystery to it and still a lot to be explored, that's when I say yes.

This created world really helped me as an actor. It heightened everything, which made it more dangerous, more interesting and more liberating.

I know a lot of the intense moments in 'Titanic' were made that much easier and were pushed to even further limits because of that relationship.

The truth is that I've always been fascinated with wealth in America. To me, it's been about the American dream and the corruption of that dream.

Obviously people don't want other people to tell them how to think or what to believe, or to tell them what's right politically and what's wrong.

It was closer to manual labor than shooting a film. I always think of something Michael Caton-Jones told me: 'Pain is temporary. Film is forever.'

Hoover was incredibly ambitious as a young man. He was highly motivated to succeed in Washington, primarily due to his mother's expectations of him.

Sometimes I wonder will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize God left this place a long time ago.

When I was young I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything I used to think 'How can I die without seeing every inch of this world?'

I've never been Romeo who meets a girl and falls for her immediately. It's been a much slower process for me each time I've gone into a relationship.

When I was doing 'This Boy's Life' I wanted to be as old as Robert DeNiro and as experienced as him and have the same respect as he did in that movie.

It's a hard concept for me to wrap my head around to completely sacrifice any sort of love in your life, to never experience that on a personal level.

You learn after you've been in the business for a while that it's not getting your face recognized that's the payoff. It's having your film remembered.

I play fictitious characters often solving fictitious problems. I believe mankind has looked at climate change in the same way, as if it were a fiction.

Most of the time I do feel like I need someone else when I'm alone. But I can still get by with just my own company and that makes me a stronger person.

Brothers don't necessarily have to say anything to each other - they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.

It's easy to fall into the trap of believing all the hype that's written about you... Who knows? In a couple of years, you might find me in the loony bin!

It's my first sort of commercial attempt, but it made sense for me because I'm not that kind of guy and I'm not going to continue to do that kind of movie.

The good thing about acting is that it always keeps you on your toes... It's not like any other job where you can go in and do the same thing as yesterday.

People want you to be a crazy, out-of-control teen brat. They want you miserable, just like them. They don't want heroes; what they want is to see you fall.

As far as my own dreams, I'm not a big dreamer, I think obviously we suppress things in life, emotions and thoughts, and we should wake up and look at that.

I haven't died in a movie in a while,'The Departed,' 'Body of Lies,' 'Revolutionary Road,' 'Shutter Island' and 'Inception.' I guess I did die in 'The Departed.'

The more I've acted, I've realised that I have a) no control of and b) no way of really quite understanding how people react to anything I do, or any movie I do.

I don't know if I'm more confident than ever before, because I definitely had confidence when I was starting out. Maybe I have less confidence now that I did then.

I really hate relaxing. I've done three movies in a row, worked for two years straight, and to me, idle time is the devil's workshop. I like to focus on something.

I watch a lot of Turner Classic movies. But I don't do private screenings. I don't have the old school, reel to reel projectors. I do have a big screen TV, though.

I went to a concert once when I was a little kid and ran up onstage, started dancing, started saying anything that came to my head. I was like a little vaudevillian.

I love science fiction, but I have a hard time feeling for characters in a galaxy far away. Choosing movies is the one thing in my life where there's no compromising.

My parents know I was outgoing as a child, and whenever people came over I'd automatically do impressions of them as soon as they left; it was my mom's favorite thing.

I really don't know what I'm doing... I don't. It's terrible. I go in there and I learn how to be like the character and do the best I can, and that's all I really do.

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