Snoop Scorsese, that's my director name.

Whatever, man. Scorsese thinks I’m awesome

I would love to work with Martin Scorsese.

If Martin Scorsese thinks you stink, you stink.

Scorsese is very nice. He's small; he's energetic.

I mean, I'm always happy to be compared with Scorsese!

Martin Scorsese is one of the great filmmakers of all time.

I mean, Scorsese's a genius, and that's one way of shooting.

We grew up on Scorsese and Coppola and '70s crime thrillers.

When I heard I'd be working with Scorsese, I signed up immediately.

I'd rather go for Scorsese and De Niro. I just think he was so much better.

Every little interaction I had with Scorsese is forever tattooed on my brain.

I can't help but have my sights set on Scorsese, Cohen Brothers and Spike Jones.

When Scorsese or Coppola cast celebrities in their work, it goes without question.

I love all sorts of movies, whether made by Scorsese or Frank Capra. I love them all.

Scorsese will only work with brilliant material. And everyone wants to work with him.

Movies I liked growing up were like Francis Ford Coppolla movies and Scorsese movies.

We were the only ones interested in comedy. Everybody else wanted to be Martin Scorsese.

As you can imagine, between Michael Powell and Martin Scorsese, I've had quite a rich life!

It's so fun to hear the reaction from Martin Scorsese as he sees you nude for the first time.

When Scorsese shoots a violent scene, it's very uncomfortable - it's not like watching 'Rambo.'

I love watching Marty Scorsese's films, but they always make me feel terrible about being a man.

I said to Martin Scorsese, 'When are you going to make another film with a woman at the center?'

To get to work with my idol, Martin Scorsese, has just been lovely - the highlight of my career.

Any time someone says you have an opportunity to work with Martin Scorsese you jump at the chance.

When I was filming 'The Outsiders,' my idea of success was getting the next Martin Scorsese movie.

I did 'Gangs of New York' with Martin Scorsese, and they used to call me 'Little Joe Pesci' on the set.

Martin Scorsese, everything he does, I've got to see. And Jack Nicholson, I've got to see what he does.

It's interesting to help someone find their vocabulary. There would not have been a De Niro without a Scorsese.

Working on 'The Last Waltz' introduced me to Martin Scorsese, and I had been a movie bug since I was a young kid.

I find it hard to understand why Scorsese has never called. You know, given the natural menace I bring to the screen.

I would wish for any one of my colleagues to have the experience of working with Martin Scorsese once in their lifetime.

I worked with the best directors - Martin Scorsese, John Huston, David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock was great.

I turned down a film that was offered to me in the very early '80s, a Scorsese film. That probably wasn't a good career move.

Scorsese's been a hero of mine since I was young. If you saw 'Swingers,' you know I was definitely fixated on his body of work.

I am a filmmaker. That is all I've ever been. You know, Martin Scorsese makes films about the mob. And I make movies about food.

Leo couldn't deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with 'The Aviator', but I will go on record to say I will do so in 'The Departed'.

When we were cutting 'Raging Bull,' Martin Scorsese was watching 'The Films of Hoffmann' on a 16-mm print over and over and over again.

I think of Paul Feig as the Scorsese of comedy. He's the best at what he does. I think people just trust everything that he's got to say.

Do I wish I was Martin Scorsese? Yeah. But am I really proud of the movies I've made and really happy that I get to keep making them? Yes.

My favorite Tyler Perry movie? Ugh, how can you decide? For me, it's basically like: Kurosawa, Tyler Perry, Martin Scorsese, in that order.

Looking back at 'Taxi Driver' or, really, any of the Martin Scorsese films, he really filmed New York City in a way that I saw New York City.

If you're an actor from New York, and you're Italian-American, you grow up hoping Marty Scorsese knows your name at some point before you die.

A lot of comedies in the 1980s and 1990s had all these colors and were so brightly lit. But John Landis had this dark style, like a Scorsese film.

The question I always ask is: 'Where are all the women directors in America?' You know, where's the female Martin Scorsese, the female David Lynch?

'Taxi Driver' is a movie that changed my life and made me a serious actor. Scorsese and De Niro. I give credit for anything that I've ever done as an actor.

If I hadn't met Scorsese, I would never have become a filmmaker. He has taught me everything I know about editing and has given me the best job in the world.

Acting's fine if the script's written by Paddy Chayefsky and Martin Scorsese directs it, but unless you have something like that, I don't really enjoy acting.

The idea of working with David Fincher or Paul Thomas Anderson or Wes Anderson or Scorsese or Spielberg or any of the guys I really idolize is a dream for me.

I love 'Goodfellas' because it's a great movie - it's funny and there is action at perfect points. I just think Martin Scorsese makes everyone look really cool.

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