We can navigate by looking at ant mounds.

Celebrity is a very tricky area to navigate.

The Yellowstone river is a beautiful river to navigate.

I'm the only comedian qualified to navigate a supertanker.

We can make aircrafts that can navigate a maze of hallways.

The iPhone is so easy to use and navigate - I'd be lost without it.

It's not easy trying to navigate your internal world in the public eye.

Young people need to know there are ways for them to navigate this life.

I learned how to navigate the world, and life's potholes, in Pittsburgh.

The best way to navigate through life is to give up all of our controls.

Football is not always easy; you need to navigate through some adversity.

I'm interested in the way language is used to navigate the world around us.

I'm interested in stories that help me, people navigate in this broken world.

Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.

A Brexit Britain that will navigate its way in the world without a moral compass.

The goal of leadership is not to eradicate uncertainty but rather to navigate it.

I grew up as a point guard, and as a point guard you learn how to navigate situations.

It's a hard process to navigate... to figure out where your kid ought to go to college.

I'm always working out how people perceive me, and that's a hard thing to navigate sometimes.

For federal races, being able to carefully navigate the Trump Era is a significant challenge.

Education is not an end to itself. You need to know algebra but also how to navigate the world.

I think good companies can navigate being public and doing the right things for their customers.

I feel like I present the way I need to present in order to survive and feel like I can navigate.

My job in many ways has been to navigate interesting routes around subjects people think are dull.

Everything in life has some risk, and what you have to actually learn to do is how to navigate it.

Some days I'm in better control and can navigate my way through stuff, and other days, not so much.

Being able to make plays goes a lot, helps me navigate the defense and find open guys or score myself.

The greatest obstacle in 'Tetris' is time and one's own ability to navigate it - kind of like life itself.

I'd love to do a comedy - something where a character has to use humor to navigate the absurdities of life.

Contemporary audiences are interested in watching characters navigate ethical challenges and moral dilemmas.

It's everywhere, constant criticism of women's appearance in magazines and online. It's not easy to navigate.

I had to do so much self-searching and self-work and learning how to navigate in a world that seemed very mean.

Your ability to adapt to failure, and navigate your way out of it, absolutely 100 percent makes you who you are.

I've always just admired women who were able to navigate through dramatic and comedic waters and sort of do it all.

TV writing is tricky to navigate because you have so many different personalities - the actors, multiple producers.

A lot of people, when they are expected to do great things they fold, but you have got to find a way to navigate it.

Myths are wonderful tools that we've had, oh, for eons now that help us navigate the situations we find ourselves in.

Probably the most important thing in terms of just trying to navigate and moving forward into adulthood is staying busy.

You don't realize how much you use your credit card not even to buy things. It's a card you get so you can navigate society.

I had to learn to navigate the political and religious currents in a state where Mormonism dominates despite not being Mormon.

Ideas matter. The world matters. Our lives matter, and the choices we make as we navigate our lives perhaps matter most of all.

Being a young woman is difficult enough, but add to that the pressures of Hollywood's spotlight, and you have a lot to navigate.

I think that, as a writer, while it's your job to construct stories, you have to navigate your way through them with your heart.

The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it's possible to achieve the American dream.

A lot of people don't know how to navigate: they think, once you become a Christian, you essentially have to become Ned Flanders.

There are no road signs to help navigate. And, in fact, no one has yet determined which side of the road we're supposed to be on.

I have this dream life where I get to be a celebrity but I get to navigate the world fairly easily because I'm always in character.

Every day we wake up, we have an opportunity to do some good, but there's so much bad that you have to navigate to get to the good.

I always wish I had a road map for how to navigate my life as a parent and a producer, but in truth, it's a lot of trial and error.

We parcel up time into years and months and days because without compartmentalisation the tundra of time is impossible to navigate.

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