I don't like comparing people or teams.

People keep comparing me to Virat Kohli.

Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.

I have got calls from people who are comparing me to Rajinikanth.

I'm not 40 yet. I wouldn't even bother comparing myself to Chaplin.

I'm no slouch, but when comparing LeBron's game, I'm usually left out.

I don't think it's fair comparing Barcelona's style with that of Roma.

You start comparing people, and ultimately, somebody feels diminished.

I don't want to embarrass any other catcher by comparing him to Johnny Bench.

Comparing President Obama with the great leaders who have come before him is painful.

One finds the truth by making a hypothesis and comparing observations with the hypothesis.

More than comparing with somebody else, I'd prefer comparing my own work from film to film.

Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine!

Comparing Bollywood and Hollywood is like comparing America's market, roads and economy to ours.

I have long been fond of comparing Workday strategy to the process of sending a rocket to the moon.

No one could have ever prepared me for the whole world judging me and comparing me to other artists.

I got in the limelight at a young age. At age 19, people were already comparing me to Anderson Silva.

Perhaps measuring animal intelligence by comparing it to human intelligence isn't the best litmus test.

Like anyone else, I can fall into these massive Instagram holes and start comparing myself to other people.

When you stop comparing what is right here and now with what you wish were, you can begin to enjoy what is.

Comparing in the past years, Tamyra Gray and everyone else that didn't win but their careers are doing well.

I've always said if you're comparing movies to music, then horror would be the black metal of the categories.

I'm not comparing Bush to Adolf Hitler - because George Bush, for one thing, is not as smart as Adolf Hitler.

Judgment comes from you comparing yourself to other people, and expectations of what you think life should be.

I don't think I have to combat Airbnb. It is like comparing Tiffany to a shop that sells things for one dollar.

Comparing science and religion isn't like comparing apples and oranges - it's more like apples and sewing machines.

What's the problem that people have here in Spain with Maradona and Messi? They spend the whole day comparing them.

The problem, when comparing contemporary television to television in 1974, is that TV has become not just bad but sad.

That is the thing I want to tell girls, to stop criticising yourselves and to stop comparing yourself to other people.

Most attractive males talk to most attractive women as if they were Rotarians comparing sales percentages in Des Moines.

I made a decision to stop feeling envious of other people, to crack on with my life and stop comparing myself with others.

I taught myself to read when I was three by comparing the letters in my Mother Goose book with the rhymes I had memorised.

Most of the time, comparing printed song lyrics with poems is like comparing recipes with food: that's to say, patently unfair.

Meditation allows us to deal with life as it is rather than looking at it and comparing it with how we think it's supposed to be.

What made my matches against Borg and Connors interesting was, comparing it to boxing, it was like a puncher and a counter-puncher.

Nobody can take too many big hits, not even comparing someone 5-foot-8 'cause some of the 6-foot-3 guys still get knocked out, too.

Let's be careful when we start comparing American to European tolerance because there isn't necessarily a lot of European tolerance.

Radiohead is one of the bands I appreciate. That's a great career band. It's not like critics are comparing us to a flash in the pan.

Women are so unforgiving of themselves. We don't recognize our own beauty because we're too busy comparing ourselves to other people.

I don't think I'm any competition to the already-existing canon of writers in Kannada. How can I ever even think of comparing myself?

Comparing Asian writers mainly to other Asian writers implies that we're all telling the same story - a disappointingly reductive view.

I'm always looking at film, studying myself, comparing and contrasting with film of the great linebackers to see what I need to work on.

I don't like comparing projects. I find it too difficult because I can't objectively look at a piece when I'm so subjectively involved it.

When comparing many things in life the difference between average and best is say 30% but some people are 50 times more effective than others.

Comparing oneself with one's fellow writers is a bad idea. I would not review a fellow writer unless I had something terribly positive to say.

If you start comparing my practice of law to what I could have been - selling bananas - you'll know why I gave money to the University of Texas.

If I am duly compared to Marlon Brando at all, well, I can only think of The Teahouse of the 'Shanghai Noon,' that they're comparing me to that!

In Quebec, we're less inhibited artistically, culturally, politically. We're less focused on box office and comparing our films to the American films.

If people say to me, 'So, what were you doing in Dubai in that song?' or they spend ages comparing me to some other singer, I just shut down, I guess.

Even if one is interested only in one's own society, which is one's prerogative, one can understand that society much better by comparing it with others.

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