To shun one's cross is to make it heavier.

Cyborg is way heavier, way bigger than me.

Obviously, I'm attracted to heavier movies.

The heavier crop is ever in others' fields.

You need to look lean. Luckily, I am not on heavier side.

My foot is just as heavy as a dude's foot, if not heavier.

At certain times in your life, some things are heavier than others.

Fighting in a heavier weight class is a big achievement on its own.

I'm into politics, and I love watching the heavier news magazine shows.

Musicians wake up and create a more loving community by creating heavier music.

They say you look ten pounds heavier on TV, but it makes your beard look longer.

My first film was a comedy, but after that I went always into more heavier stuff.

I like my food. I would rather be a little bit on the heavier side than too thin.

The instruction manual for my Motorola phone is bigger and heavier than the phone.

Deeper things, heavier things happen to you as you get older and makes you more open.

I could be 30 pounds heavier if I played football. But I play baseball, and I do Pilates.

We always train with heavier sparring partners to make it harder so the fight will be easier.

Hush! Check those words. Do not cure ill with ill and make your pain still heavier than it is.

I'm more vicious in sparring when I am around 160 pounds or coming down from heavier than that.

Flight by machines heavier than air is unpractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible.

They're putting cement dust into cattle feed to make the cows heavier; the FDA knows all about it.

If I go on a diet and work out, I'm always in a bad mood. I'd rather be a little heavier but nice.

A lot of fighters complain, 'Man he's five pounds heavier than me.' Really? It doesn't matter, man.

Poverty is the only load which is the heavier the more loved ones there are to assist in bearing it.

When I played, I had a natural ability to jump and run, and I just wanted to get bigger and heavier.

I made my living being 20 or 30 pounds heavier than the average model. And that's where I got famous.

If I didn't have a great right hook, the bigger, heavier fighters would grind me down and smother me.

Andrew Wood's death changed things for a few weeks. I probably got even heavier into drugs after that.

In my 20s, it was very hard to go, 'I'm heavier than that girl.' Getting older makes a huge difference.

It would be fun if I were 40 pounds heavier and a little bit faster to get in and play some linebacker.

I sympathize far more with heavier people than I ever will with thin. I'll never be thin. Let's be honest.

I've always liked the heavier stuff. I've always loved Tool and System of a Down, Korn and Nine Inch Nails.

Because muscle is heavier than fat, dancers weigh more than you might think, but they are usually very lean.

I felt very comfortable about myself when I was much heavier. I feel much better about myself from being fit.

'The Great Gatsby' is a book I have read a few times, and it seems to get heavier every time I come to visit.

If you want a product that's thicker with a bigger battery, it's also heavier, more costly, takes longer to charge.

No country save for India is expected to bear a heavier financial burden from climate change than the United States.

It's not easy to serve, because I'm not that tall, but I'm trying to be more consistent and to deliver heavier serves.

I did a little modeling in Minnesota, but because I was a heavier 'model,' I didn't pursue it much when I lived there.

You've got to break through this idea of being light as a ballerina. The heavier you'll feel, the lighter you'll look.

I tend to like the heavier things, especially live on stage. I need that energy and interaction and feeling the audience.

After so long being thin, it was terrifying being heavier. But I am a naturally curvy Hispanic girl. I don't deprive myself.

I had a pretty bad time when I was an undergraduate at Cornell University. I failed out of school. I was much, much heavier.

I had debilitating back pain. Three years later, I'm 40 pounds heavier and generating 20 or 25 miles an hour more ball speed.

When you are fighting a man who is over a stone heavier than you, you feel it. You feel it in the punches and in the clinches.

If I'm two pounds heavier, I'm fat. If I'm skinnier, I'm sick. It's ridiculous. And that's not coming from agents or designers.

Using string bends instead of just playing regular, unbent notes can definitely help give certain riffs a cooler, heavier edge.

The day I finished 'Twilight,' I came home and started bulking up. For 'New Moon,' I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was in 'Twilight.'

I used to listen to the Beatles and Stones, whereas Angus was more into the heavier stuff - Cream, Hendrix - with the lead guitar.

I've discovered that sheer quantity doesn't necessarily make for a heavier sound; if anything, overdubs make guitars sound mushier.

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