Use the occasion, for it passes swiftly.

Any time I get to go home is a joyous occasion.

I always rise to the occasion for that big bet.

I had no occasion for an apron on that morning.

A Boxing Day Test match is a fantastic occasion.

I was always taught how to dress for the occasion.

I live for any excuse to 'dress for the occasion.'

Heroism is not only in the man, but in the occasion.

It's important to match your style with the occasion.

Whenever the occasion arose, he rose to the occasion.

I don't rise to the occasion unless I'm really moved.

I don't rise to the occasion when there's no occasion.

I'm a lawyer who, on occasion, represents celebrities.

It's a very special venue and a very special occasion.

Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.

Anytime you get men in glitter, it's a flamboyant occasion!

On no further occasion present a flag or medal to an Indian.

Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion.

Don't worry about it. Babe Ruth struck out on occasion, too.

May we so love as never to have occasion to repent of our love!

I only wish Chet Atkins could be here for this joyous occasion.

When my back's against the wall, I need to rise to the occasion.

Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away.

Think about the style of the occasion before you plan your outfit.

A lecture is an occasion when you numb one end to benefit the other.

Wearing the correct dress for any occasion is a matter of good manners.

As I've had occasion to say before, I'm a pretty anti-sociable Socialist.

I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who just happens to be funny on occasion.

In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.

One loves to possess arms, though they hope never to have occasion for them.

I feel there is a song for every occasion, and India is a land full of music.

Coast is my go-to store for any awards do - it's brilliant for occasion wear.

I have referred to myself as an accidental activist on more than one occasion.

Everybody should plant a tree on any happy occasion or birthday and celebrate.

The colonies had little occasion to feel or to resent direct royal prerogative.

I normally wear jeans and sneakers, but given an occasion, I enjoy dressing up.

Steve Buscemi is the little black dress of cinema, appropriate for any occasion.

A national festival is an occasion to refine and rebuild the national character.

I should prefer to die laughing, and, on more than one occasion, thought I might.

I'll buy a special occasion dress even if I don't know when or where I'll wear it.

Frenchmen have an unlimited capacity for gallantry and indulge it on every occasion.

My mom won't let me buy high-fashion stuff unless it's TK Maxx or a birthday occasion.

I wholly promote the omelette as a meal whatever the occasion, especially your last one.

I never dress for the occasion correctly because I hate fashion rules. They're so boring.

In my own opinions as a judge, I have never yet had occasion to find a statute ambiguous.

On occasion, I hear a rearrangement of a song that really makes me reevaluate it in a way.

Opposition is not necessarily enmity; it is merely misused and made an occasion for enmity.

Everyone has the right to be stupid on occasion, but Comrade Macdonald abuses the privilege.

Say just what you mean to do on every occasion, and take it for granted you mean to do right.

I was appointed to Cabinet three times; on no occasion did I pitch for what position I wanted.

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