Make hiring a top priority.

Hiring quotas reduce efficiency.

When hiring, trust your feelings.

Vin Diesel had to hire a babysitter.

I'm really good at hiring good people.

An axe at home saves hiring a carpenter.

Time spent on hiring is time well spent.

You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring.

Hiring a trainer has been a massive help for me.

I was gonna work in a university, but no one was hiring.

It's important to push the agenda of hiring women directors.

There's a difference between hiring writers and stealing jokes.

You can call me whatever you want to call me, just keep hiring me.

I don't think anyone is hiring me because I look like Chris Hemsworth.

Hiring new people, opening up in new markets, all of that takes money.

If you think that hiring professionals is expensive, try hiring amateurs

Somebody accused us of hiring him and putting him there. He was a classic.

If you are other, you don't think twice about hiring people who are other.

Become better at firing than hiring - it's crucial for building a business.

I would rather hire a man with enthusiasm, than a man who knows everything.

Great companies have been reduced by hiring executives that don't work out.

You know, if I've done anything right, it has been hiring the right people.

If you're hiring a manager for two to three years, you need to get it right.

I value my staff and I believe in hiring people who are smarter than myself.

A lot of labels are hiring a lot more accountants than people that know music.

The traditional markers people use for hiring can be wrong - profoundly wrong.

The only thing more expensive than hiring a professional, is hiring an amateur.

When I do my hiring in the United States Senate, I look at issues of diversity.

I feel really fortunate that people keep hiring me. People think I have talent.

People aren't hiring me to be a 'yes' man. They have their girlfriends for that.

Hospitality is almost impossible to teach. It's all about hiring the right people.

You're either not hiring at all or it's probably your single biggest block of time.

The cost of hiring someone bad is so much greater than missing out on someone good.

There is a difference between hiring a CEO and turning over control of the business.

Clary: "Aren't they supposed to be hiring someone else to train me full-time anyway?"

God bless Jackie Briskey for hiring me back then when I had no idea what I was doing.

In feature films, unless there was a body count, they weren't hiring me to direct it.

Hey, I'm happy someone is hiring me. It could be all over. I'm so lucky to have a job.

Hollywood stops hiring their star leading ladies when they turn 40. It's very defeating.

Companies are getting bitten by hiring a data scientist who isn't really a data scientist.

Build into each budget the cost of hiring and don't lump yourself with capital investment.

The ultimate proof of confidence for a small-business owner is, are they hiring employees?

If you're not hiring from some groups of the population, then you're obviously missing out.

The cost of energy is directly related to the cost of hiring workers and running a business.

Someone could be amazing at what they do, but if you don't like them, why bother hiring them?

I'm often accused of hiring people with civil rights experience, and I do plead guilty to that.

When there are hiring decisions and promotion decisions to be made, people are hungry for data.

Don't hire for the sake of hiring. Hire because there is no other way to do what you want to do.

Do you think the Chinese think twice about hiring a hacker with a mohawk or a tattooed face? No.

It's a success story here in Michigan. We have hiring going on. We have new industries going on.

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