Is it ever too late for a sequel?

I'd love to do a 'Sopranos' sequel.

I'm not the guy to ask to write a sequel.

I don't write any kind of sequel or remake.

And I plan to write a sequel to Dragon Rider.

With a sequel, you always worry for its integrity.

'Evil Dead 1' was never supposed to have a sequel.

With a sequel you're always trying to get bigger and better.

To do a sequel is so weird, you don't really think about it.

I will never write a sequel to anything that I will ever write.

In my mind, it's always easier to do a sequel than an original.

There should be a sequel to 'Sarfarosh'. It was a different film.

A lot of superhero sequel movies, they resemble each other greatly.

To direct a sequel to somebody else's work is not interesting to me.

We all approached doing a sequel with great trepidation and skepticism.

A sequel is an admission that you've been reduced to imitating yourself.

As far as I know, the guys at Pixar are opposed to a Monsters, Inc. sequel.

There's nothing worse than the sequel that's a letdown from the first movie.

If I were to write a sequel to 'Lean In' for men, I would call it 'Make Room.'

I was working at 'New Girl' when I found out there was going to be a 'Pitch' sequel.

Even when I was writing the script for 'Don,' I suspected it could lead to a sequel.

Even when people abroad see me, I'm often asked about a 'Zone of the Enders' sequel.

'PKP' was a huge success, and even the sequel did well. I became very choosy after that.

Sequels are scary. And making a sequel to something as good as 'Scanners' is even scarier.

Since 'Main Hoon Na' is a cult film, if I want to make a sequel, the story has to be good!

I'm pretty skeptical about Hollywood and its fascination with the sequel and the franchise.

I think a sequel is a waste of money and time. I think movies should illuminate new stories.

A 'Guardians' sequel and a 'Gilmore Girls' reboot right at the same time was really awesome.

I always get excited when I find out there's a sequel, because all the work is kind of done.

I was concerned about doing a sequel and repeating myself. That was before I read the script.

At the major studios, you see people wanting to remake a TV series, wanting to make a sequel.

The cast of 'Fukrey' will remain the same in the sequel. But the story is more of a fresh one.

Were I not married to the director, I'm not sure I'd know anything about the 'Underworld' sequel.

I don't know about doing a sequel. I think you can retroactively damage a product by adding to it.

I don't have any specific plans to return to the 'Age of the Five.' If I do, it won't be a sequel.

Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through.

I would never want to take on a sequel of someone else's stuff unless I was totally reinventing it.

It's always an enormous pressure when you do a sequel. The demands are so high, and it's expensive.

You never know in a movie if it's going to be a sequel, but right now I'm proud of what we produced.

I've never done a sequel - so far, there have been too many new stories and characters calling my name.

I have full confidence that the Sequel Queen is a tag that's going to stick... And I will be loving it!

By definition a sequel can't be original. So you've got to figure out what worked the first time around.

It's just assumed that a horror sequel is going to be bad. It's never going to be as good as the first one.

A sequel is such a daunting thing, because you don't want to lose the magic and the charm of the first one.

Whenever I bump into Rajamouli sir, I jokingly ask him about 'Eega 2.' As a fan of 'Eega,' I want the sequel.

I didn't really want to do another sequel. I go to those movies, and I just sort of enjoy them like a viewer.

My office wanted me to register the title 'Devil' since they felt, it could be a good title for 'Kick' sequel.

If you're going to make a sequel to 'Sicario', you have to - you know, you've got to go beat a brand new path.

I pointedly avoid doing sequels, since for the most part I find that a sequel rarely stands up to the original.

I was keenly aware that everybody would have loved for me to do a close sequel or a spin-off to 'Marley and Me.'

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